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Outcry at 10 year old given a shotgun licence

Dr W

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Disgusting bit of biased reporting in the metro today.


A boy of ten has been given a shotgun licence by police. The information, released under the freedom of information Act, has horrified people living in the area and anti-gun campaigners, who believe he is not mature enough to handle a deadly weapon. The youngster was grnated permission to use a shotgun after Surrey Police vetted his suitability to use the gun. Mike Huskisson, of the Animal Welfare Information Service, said: 'common sense tells us that it is courting disaster to arm children.' But Roger Weedon, firearms licencing manager for Surrey Police, said: 'Anyone who applies for a licence goes through a rigorous vetting process.'


What the hell has it to do with the Animal Welfare Information Service that a 10 year old has been given a shotgun licence, where does it mention that he will be out shooting animals, it might be just for clays, it doesn't mention that he'd have to be supervised anyway.

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at least they got a highly qualified expert in firearms handeling : Animal Welfare Information Service, he probably hasnt seen a gun in his life yet alone shot one.


A 10 year old will have to be supervised to use a shotgun, at least this one has a lisence unlike the hundreds of 10 year olds taken shooting under the supervision of their father.


At 10 years old i wasnt suitable to use a shotgun....... on my own.... but under suspervision and if your physically capable of doing so then whats the issue.


Typical anti busy bodies.

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That organization has been set up by an ex dis-gruntled member of LACS. Reason I know is the address on the website is only 10 mile from where I live and the guy mentioned used to be a main player in the LACS organization- very well known in my local area.


He is the guy who filmed the keeper on the shoot in cambridgeshire which ended up with the keeper arrested and fined for swearing. It was posted on here recently.

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He seems to be the only person bitching about it. So much for an outcry.


Elsewhere there's this quote from him -


"Kids will be kids, but kids with guns can kill like men.


It is not the gun that kills but the person who pulls the trigger."


Funny, usually these people argue "Guns kill and they must be banned." I spose the argument can be twisted inside out so long as it achieves the desired result.

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Starlight32 was that the gentleman we we're discussing on Sunday?


I believe that this website has been brought to attention before, but to be honest it is very rarely updated, and if you actually spend the time to read it throughly you can see that the person has no real ideas of his own and regurgitates articles from as far back as the 1800's. What the hell that has to do with Modern life I don't know!


There is no mention of the 10 year old boy being given a SGC on the site and their one and only celebrity clip is about Clarissa Dickinson going into bankruptcy which was taken from a local (and I do mean local) rag in 2003.


It is clear that this is no big time player in the world of anti-ism, and the methods used border on the illegal and invasive. Certainly I feel that I would have done alot more than just swear and push the bloke if he was waving a camera in my face whilst I was out participating in a perfectly legal sport.


How outdated is otter hunting, live pigeon shooting (from baskets not decoying) et al. The only thing the bloke appears to be good at is history and as the name says it does what it it says on the tin, its history nothing more nothing less.


SS :good:

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That guy who has the website really does seem to be a product of a bygone era when everyone wore flowers in their hair and read stories about the poor little bunnykins and man's eternal onslaught on their poor little furry beings :good: The guy needs to grow up and realise there is a real world out there: From his own site "I became active in animal welfare in 1971. As a young hunt saboteur in the early 1970s I joined others to struggle to protect otters from otter hunters. I recall all too well the ferocious battles in the field and in Parliament to secure legal protection for otters from hunting. " Ferocious battles?:oops:? Sounds to me like he enjoyed these - anarchist?


Pushkin :yes:

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