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BASC will 'not hesitate to take legal action' against Welsh Government regarding ban on humane cable restraints

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I think now is the time not to push back but hammer back


Expose the fact RSPB culls - hammer it home - make them lose members

Push the Packham association with the zoo

The wildlife trusts "mitigation " deals with water companies and developers 


We sit back and bite our tongues but we must now take a step forward 

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Do you mean the ground-nesting birds that are losing habitat to proliferant house building on farm land and meadows that is currently going on around this area (NE Wales)??

Last week on my feed on FB by WWF Wales (I think) about how farmers should be re-wilding to give them habitat back. On checking WWF Cymru - all you can see is about the Agricultural Bill in Wales and re-wilding.

Basically the assembly is being run by Supra-National organisations......

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The welsh government is well and truly out of control and it's about time someone took them to task. BASC should not be threatening but should be acting on this, the game bird licensing (when the consultation result inevitably gets ignored) and every other attack on field sports that will come in the near future.

Only then will they get bored of it and start tackling the other low hanging fruit. 

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