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10 hours ago, ditchman said:

Isnt Blair starting to take an active role on the edge of the labour party.....something like an advisor to Starmer.............its been kept very low key as it could lose labour votes..

Yep. And he has got a plan - nay a vision - for the future of Britain. 

People need to realise that B.Liar is heavily involved in the Globalist movement (you know, the ones with the Messiah complex that think that us plebs are the cause of everything) and is tipped to replace Klaus Schwabbe as the head of the WEF

He is probably one of the most dangerous men alive within the sphere of our political establishment 

Don’t forget he hates us because we voted out in Brexit which scuppered him from becoming the EU president (or suchlike) 

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The more I see of Blair the more he reminds me of Dorian Gray; only this time all the evil he is guilty of is etched in his face rather than his portrait……..which hangs in the NPG incidentally. 
He isn’t wearing well, rather like some of my ex sister in laws now I come to think of it; faces etched with bitterness, bile and resentment. 

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15 hours ago, Rewulf said:


The demographic of the country has changed considerably , with many newcomers being very supportive of labours open door immigration policies, which is a good job for labour, as otherwise their constant drubbing at elections would be considerably worse.


There's also...except they keep it very well hidden...very many who are Tories who also support open door immigration policies in private yet in public rail against them for open door immigration keeps wages down and profits up. And who opposed the minimum wage. Too many think that the Tories are their "friends" (shooting folk the amongst the most gullible to that lie) failing to realise that the Tories serve the interests of the mega rich first - privatised energy has been a huge success for the ordinary punter hasn't it - and for the rest we get the crumbs that fall from the table dressed up as manna by their spin doctors..

Edited by enfieldspares
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'Ms Rodrigues complained: “It reads like Lez (low emissions zones) or similar have no impact at all.”

In the private exchange from November 2018, Prof Griffiths refused the request, replying to Ms Rodrigues: “Apologies - it’s difficult to alter the sentence you refer to as it’s what we set out to look for but didn’t find.”

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44 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


'Ms Rodrigues complained: “It reads like Lez (low emissions zones) or similar have no impact at all.”

In the private exchange from November 2018, Prof Griffiths refused the request, replying to Ms Rodrigues: “Apologies - it’s difficult to alter the sentence you refer to as it’s what we set out to look for but didn’t find.”

Stinks like a rotting Bream.

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On 22/08/2023 at 09:50, enfieldspares said:

There's also...except they keep it very well hidden...very many who are Tories who also support open door immigration policies in private yet in public rail against them for open door immigration keeps wages down and profits up. And who opposed the minimum wage. Too many think that the Tories are their "friends" (shooting folk the amongst the most gullible to that lie) failing to realise that the Tories serve the interests of the mega rich first - privatised energy has been a huge success for the ordinary punter hasn't it - and for the rest we get the crumbs that fall from the table dressed up as manna by their spin doctors..

Very true.


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