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Hello, this is my first post so I will say hello to you.


I have just sent off my membership details to my local pigeon club and was interested to find out if there are any guns that are also members of this club.(NPPC) based in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.




I have shot for sometime now but only used the local farms for my sport and I am all excited about shooting on some new ground.


Just really looking to make some contacts, so if you are a member of this club please contact me.


happy hunting.



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Hi justin,

I have just sent off for the application form for NPPC my self,so the topic will be of interest to me also, i have a friend who recently shot a big bag of 200 pigeons not far from ripon, so there is good shooting to be had but its the luck of the draw. He has also had his fair share of blanks and the normal seems to be about 10 birds per outing.

I live near skipton,north yorks, all i have in my area are grass fields and sheep (and these dont fly all that good), so doing your homework and watching for good feeding areas is a problem for me, thats where i thought that NPPC would be handy if i could ring and book a farm on johns advice (if thats possable) and see how that works.

all the bast. john.

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Hi Stirky,

i had a member of the club phone me the other day and we had a good chat about how the club operates, its seems from this guy said its a very good club with a fair amount of land to shoot over.


I have just been dusting some clays this morning ready to get out over some new stomping ground, my shooting has all been woodland shooting local to where i live, but good sport not knowing whats going to pop up infront of you.


Really looking forward to getting some decoys out and the magnet i have just purchased.




Good luck and happy shooting.



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Hi Justin,

Went out on saturday afternoon/evening, on a pea field near knaresgorough, the peas have just started poping through but the shooting was poor,i did manage to scrape a reasonable bag of 9 ferals 1 crow and three woodies, but the main thing was that the farmer came over for a chat, he was happy that i was there keeping the birds off his field.

I will ring you this weekend.


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  • 4 weeks later...

NPPC is run (or used to was) by a chap called John Shooter (honest). I was a member some years back when I lived in North Staffs; he had a bit of land down there, and some in Northants.


I always found him a decent sort of bloke; on a few occasions he'd phone up and ask if I could get out the following day because a farmer had called him up.


It's even more important to do your reccies with these sorts of outfits because in a sense you are in competition with the other members: the system is that you have to identify the field you want to shoot, ring John and book it before anyone else. So you need to be pretty quick.


Most of the other members I met were OK, but a couple were wrong 'uns. I asked one bloke how he'd got on and he said "Nothing much, just a couple of woodcock"!

Another pair were shooting grazing geese with a .22. If you see anything like that, just have a quiet word with JS.


Have a lot of fun and be safe.



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hi chaps!

I totally agree with eug's comments.Members who can go out weekdays regularly should keep close contact with John as farmers call him regularly and he often needs members to go shooting on short notice.From my experience these can be the most productive days.Another important point is to try and be friendly to farmers and gamekeepers that we occasionally come across.This helps John to keep as much land as possible for his members(us!).


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yep I have removed my number which is a good idea, the last thing I need is antis calling the wife or kids.


Most of them don’t have a clue about the ways of the countryside anyway.


I was working down Wiltshire way some years ago and they released all the mink from a farm. They totally devastated the local wildlife, and it’ll probably be still recovering to this day.


I must admit I don’t agree with these sorts of setups myself but to make all the local wildlife pay for it is just pathetic.


Just nailed a mink over our old fellas house the other day, little **** had killed all the me mams ducks. Not any more though, number six sorted that one.


Oh I spotted an otter the day also which is first one I have seen in the northeast in my life. Reported the sighting to the otter society, Good to see there coming back to the local rivers.


Happy woodie shooting



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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh I spotted an otter the day also which is first one I have seen in the northeast in my life. Reported the sighting to the otter society, Good to see there coming back to the local rivers.


Happy woodie shooting



Interstingly I watched a program a while back and it reckoned that as otters spread being larger they were pushing mink out of the riverways, has good potential! :blink:

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i'm in lancashire and i know there are loads of fields not far from me with pigeons. i never knew so many could be in a field at once!


i saw about a dosen on the ground but because of the grass they were not visible. i threw a stick into the short grass and there must have been hundreds!


anyway, FAC soon, the day of the pigeon terminator is coming ever closer bwahahahaha! :)

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I am based in Stockport and I am a memeber of the NPPC. Most land is in the midlands and yorkshire area. If you join NPPC and fancy some days out with split petrol costs ( and maybe pushing the van if it doesnt start ) et me know


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  • 1 month later...

NPPC excelent club. excelent service provided by John Shooter, for those keen shooters who havent got access to alot of shooting land, its an affordable way to have a good shoot. Its also probable that you could be called upon to deal with local vermin porblems if you do a good job!


I bit of advice I would give to new members would be:-


if you are intending to go shooting on NPPC land around where you live, then try and find out the names and no-s of local Keepers, and give them a quick courtesy call before you go shooting.


The reason for this if that at certain parts of the year, he will have released birds ready for the shooting season, and tend to get rather upset if these get worried by vollies of cartridges goin off.


Just a bit of common courtesy....... keeps you in favour, in in continuation the club.....


Paul in North Lincolnshire :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

I am based in Stockport and I am a memeber of the NPPC. Most land is in the midlands and yorkshire area. If you join NPPC and fancy some days out with split petrol costs ( and maybe pushing the van if it doesnt start ) et me know




I'm Based in Bolton, and am considering joining the NPPC, I'd be happy to offer a lift to you to keep the costs down (and if you're already a member you'd know where's hot and where's not!!)




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When I joined a couple of years ago rang JB up and he sent me a form to fill out. You have to send a copy of your shotgun cert as well.


Not too sure about plastic over the phone. He's only just got a website so I suspect he hasn't got the facilities for plastic. Oldies and electronic devices don't mix :lol::lol::/


I should know I have to tune my Mum & Dad's video back in nearly every week :/:/:lol:


Jonno :P

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I will take you up on that mate. Next time I am going out I will give you a shout. Was it you who put up the signs at Worsley Grange?


Thassme!! :lol:


Thanks for the offer , it'll give me chance to make use of the 18 miles of camo netting and me deeks ( presently gathering dust in the loft!! :lol:

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What NPPC fields/area have you shot over. Maybe it would be a good idea to post on here what size of bags people are getting on certain fields, type of crops etc.


I know when I have rung up JB to book a field, I always ask him how much activety has been on the field but if he doesn't always get any feed back



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I am a ****** for not filling in the returns and telling him how I have got on. Now Jonno, If you had had a red letter day on NPPC land would you post and tell?. Its a selfish attitude and one that i am massively guilty of. In future though if I go out and do have a good day and have no intention of returning for a bit I will certainly post my days shooting.


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This is my first post on this board, but just to let you know that I have been a member of NPPC for a year. All I can say is the John Shooter is a great bloke who has helped me get started shooting. He told me to take my time buying all the gadgets and to look for the flight lines of the areas rather than just go out and expect a good bag.


My bags have not been so good but on the occsions that they have, I followed his advice and that given in John Batelys (?) book and the pigeons came down like they had been drilled for a parade.


On the days that I don't do so well it is great just going out and looking at the wild life, and talking to the farmers if they are around.


If you have spare cash, join NPPC and you can have great days out and a nice meal of pigeons.

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