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our probs, are nothing


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This my friends are the last, I hope of my ramblings on this site,...my youngest daughter who is a teachers assistant at a school for children with terrible medical problems, she interprets the deaf kids who attend the school, and I am righting this with tears filling my eyes at the story of a young lad about 7 who is facing a life in a wheelchair who is going to die and doesnot realise his fate, he keeps sayimk sorry that he can not do what what he is wants to do// oh my god , makes all our problems seem nothing at all, cheers to you good guys I have met, Bman1

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I have a long standing theory that the ill and disabled were put on the planet to make us each realise how lucky we are and how grateful we should be.


Absolutely, my wife is often in tears after work, she works in a "Special Needs School", and some of the kids are indeed poor wee souls.

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quite agree and know how distressing things like this can be. i wont ramble too much but when i was 17yrs old started working in a sawmill and after only 3 weeks lost 3 fingers and majority of my right hand.it was only when visiting the limb fitting scentre (artificial limbs) that my eyes were opened. when you see a child as young as 8 mths old having a new plastic mask fitted after being badly burned in a house fire and other serious cases which young kids have been severely damaged it makes you think god how lucky am i. why dote on a headache or hangover when you see poor kids like this barely living?.god bless their little soles.

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I agree with you all. It is exactly four years to the day that my son Tom broke his neck playing rugby. he's paralysed from the chest down, will never walk again and needs help getting in and out of bed, dressing etc. But his guts, determination and simple everday courage are awesome and he does it all with a wicked sense of humour. His web diaries are below.









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I agree with you all. It is exactly four years to the day that my son Tom broke his neck playing rugby. he's paralysed from the chest down, will never walk again and needs help getting in and out of bed, dressing etc. But his guts, determination and simple everday courage are awesome and he does it all with a wicked sense of humour. His web diaries are below.










isnt it quite moving when we read such articles and see things like this in every day life.again we must wonder is there a god up there ?

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This my friends are the last, I hope of my ramblings on this site,...my youngest daughter who is a teachers assistant at a school for children with terrible medical problems, she interprets the deaf kids who attend the school, and I am righting this with tears filling my eyes at the story of a young lad about 7 who is facing a life in a wheelchair who is going to die and doesnot realise his fate, he keeps sayimk sorry that he can not do what what he is wants to do// oh my god , makes all our problems seem nothing at all, cheers to you good guys I have met, Bman1



I don't understand? So whats all this got to do with not posting on this site ? There's thousands of kids with special needs and life has to go on. Pull yourself together man. Grown men crying whatever next



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Keith, there is some very inspiring stuff in those diaries, you must be very proud.



very proud. he was a great kid and now is a great man. he copes with things and has patience humour and tolerance that I cold never have.



Fortunately he must also have his mother's good looks <_<


Keith, I saw the photos from the other day - I didn't know you were in the Goodies (as much maligned on this site)

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Things like this knock the **** out the "God is Good" ramblings of the Bible Bashers. <_<




That's exactly why I don't do church. If the big man does exist, I don't have a lot of time for him!


I grumble now and again about how bad life can be, but if I'm honest I'm a pretty lucky guy. Having a bad day at work is nothing compared to what some people have to live with!

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This my friends are the last, I hope of my ramblings on this site,...my youngest daughter who is a teachers assistant at a school for children with terrible medical problems, she interprets the deaf kids who attend the school, and I am righting this with tears filling my eyes at the story of a young lad about 7 who is facing a life in a wheelchair who is going to die and doesnot realise his fate, he keeps sayimk sorry that he can not do what what he is wants to do// oh my god , makes all our problems seem nothing at all, cheers to you good guys I have met, Bman1



I don't understand? So whats all this got to do with not posting on this site ? There's thousands of kids with special needs and life has to go on. Pull yourself together man. Grown men crying whatever next




some people have feelings' me included. put yourself in the position of one of those poor kids or a parent of one would you be then man enough not to shed a tear? regardless wether your a grown man or not feelings can overwelm you at one time or another.

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Keith, there is some very inspiring stuff in those diaries, you must be very proud.



very proud. he was a great kid and now is a great man. he copes with things and has patience humour and tolerance that I cold never have.



Fortunately he must also have his mother's good looks <_<


Keith, I saw the photos from the other day - I didn't know you were in the Goodies (as much maligned on this site)


Go urinate elsewhere - short, stout and bearded, I prefer to be confsed with Gimli from lord of the rings than that obnoxious, sanctinmonious little t**t. I could put up wth spending a lot of time with Kate Humble though!

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Guest The Outlaw

What is Jonno's problem with people having feelings and sharing thier heartache with us all, over an experience that has obviously moved some people enough to write about it on here.

I have admiration and respect for disadvantaged and disabled people but the children in this world through no fault of their own having thier lives cut short by a terrible accident or disease should be spared any sort of ridicule beit by someone having to write such twaddle as Jonno has.

Shame on you Jonno, and god forbid anything happens to a member of your family or someone close to you. Would you share it with us?

If Jonno you were trying to say something else in your ill written statement I suggest you re-write it. Either that or take yourself to the nearest Special care baby unit or spinal unit and reflect on your obvious lack of tact and humanity

Tony <_<

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This my friends are the last, I hope of my ramblings on this site,...my youngest daughter who is a teachers assistant at a school for children with terrible medical problems, she interprets the deaf kids who attend the school, and I am righting this with tears filling my eyes at the story of a young lad about 7 who is facing a life in a wheelchair who is going to die and doesnot realise his fate, he keeps sayimk sorry that he can not do what what he is wants to do// oh my god , makes all our problems seem nothing at all, cheers to you good guys I have met, Bman1



I don't understand? So whats all this got to do with not posting on this site ? There's thousands of kids with special needs and life has to go on. Pull yourself together man. Grown men crying whatever next



No, you dont understand, thats obvious, I have 10 grandchildren, 2 off them are special needs kids the first ,my eldest daughters 2nd child suffers from the worst type of downs syndrom, also has autism, is still in nappies, her husband died at 32 years old, she still looks after him 24/7 and myself and my wife help as best we can, my sons daughter was born with a brain bleed and as a result even though 3 years old has a tube inserted through her stomach for feeding, as she can not swallow.Today, I suppose I should not have posted my feelings and despair at the plight of the young lad who has been struck down with a disease which allmost overnight has put him into a wheelchair and he will die within the next 3 or 4 years, I do not know this young lad, but today when my youngest daughter came home in tears upset at his plight, I, allready depressed was upset that I confessed to crying at his plight. so if I upset your feelings of me not being macho, then there you go, I am me, and before you have a dig ,my kids work, dont claim off the state and look after their own, have a nice day.

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don' t be upset. most of us understand. from what I've been through after tom's injury i've got a reasonable idea of how it hits you and how you are more alert to suffering in others. shows you are a decent bloke and someone to be admired for what you do for all your family. those of us who have experienced things like this and continue to live with them every day have to make allowances for people who don't understand for whatever reason. for most of them it's just that they haven't had the same experience as us.


I'm much more emotional - openly so - since tom's injury. if others can't live with that then **** em.

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There are some true gentlemen on this thread, it takes a lot of guts to admit and show emotion and those that do so have my utmost respect. What some have been through, and are going through, I really can't begin to imagine and pray I never have to experience the same. I think young Tom has more strength and determination than the rest of us put together, a true man.

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There are some true gentlemen on this thread, it takes a lot of guts to admit and show emotion and those that do so have my utmost respect. What some have been through, and are going through, I really can't begin to imagine and pray I never have to experience the same. I think young Tom has more strength and determination than the rest of us put together, a true man.





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Pictures of me all over this place - fat chap, blond hair.


Fortunately my kids have their mother's good looks (also <_< )


I remember when my eldest was first born - a work colleague said "lovely baby, you sure his yours?"


Then went on to say, "In fact are you sure he's your wife's?" :lol:

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Oh b---ger, thanks mark and andy for your pm,s I thank you all for your kind remarks, I am sitting here after reading K S,s story of his sons terrible life, and as KS says, when you are faced with your own ,and other childrens problems it makes you have to be a bigger person, I wont say man, because our wives, daughters, and daughter in laws have to deal with these kind of things much more than us blokes, I have took offence at D-----heads remarks to me and can only say , as a young man , I was a motorcycle nut, and during that time I have sufferedv numerous broken bones , including a fractured skull, collar bones, wrist, shoulder blade, ankle, etc, and still try to live life to the full! But it seems I am not macho in his eyes, Hhhm, wonder what hese done in his wonderfull life to be proud of???Thanks to you good guys out there, as you have all guessed I have been on the pop again,Cheers, Ron.

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what must be terible is loosing quality of life like being a healthy person and then all of a suddan to loose something like site, or become paralized, i don't know for sure but i imagine like i stated sorta earlier to not know differnt might be a blessing, but to know a healthy boddy and mind and then loose it must be very terible and hard to live through or adapt,

a little sympathy is required but more than that the ability to treat with dignity and to help improve the life of someone would go along way cheers!

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it is hard living with someone who has a disability but it is also rewarding .there are times where it is just as frustrating for you as it is for them . but their strength makes you stronger and a better person to . i know for a fact that i am more careing and understanding of peoples needs. then i would have been if i had not share my life with this special person .it also teaches you to enjoy every day that you have with them . as we all know they are only on loan to us for such a short time . there are three little words that have help my famliy though the years

love ,with this you can cope with anything

life, enjoy every moment you share

laughter,many a time its been hard for all of us.but we never been a famliy to give in. and we always had are sense of humour to get us through these times .







dear berettaman

you and your lovely famliy have my full admiration take care xxxx suzy

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