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Evening all, I am currently going through purchasing a property in Lincolnshire just south of the wolds (small place called Keal Cotes if anyone has any advice on that lol)and wondered if there are many members from here around that area? Maybe we could organise a meet up at a clay shoot somewhere nearby for a round and a cuppa once I'm up there as be good to meet some new local people. Looks to be a small shoot right outside what will be my door judging by the cover crop so hopefully will meet some good sporting folk when I move from miserable Buckinghmashire haha 

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AHH, good old Keal Cotes, used to be lovely place to stay then the travelling community  moved into Stickford and now everything that isnt bolted down walks. Get yourself into the Coach House for your weekly fix of all sorts of drugs and loose women. All in all, a lovely wee place.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, billytheghillie said:

AHH, good old Keal Cotes, used to be lovely place to stay then the travelling community  moved into Stickford and now everything that isnt bolted down walks. Get yourself into the Coach House for your weekly fix of all sorts of drugs and loose women. All in all, a lovely wee place.

Really? Just looking into this and the gyppos appear at nearest in stickney which is a little further away than stickford? Is this a recent description or based from a while ago please feel free to message me to elaborate? Seemed a really quiet little hamlet/village?! editing having looked up recent (year ago) reviews for the pub you mention all 5* quiet lovely pub reviews? Possibly it went downhill then came back up in standards again since you visited?

Edited by KillStone
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1 hour ago, billytheghillie said:

AHH, good old Keal Cotes, used to be lovely place to stay then the travelling community  moved into Stickford and now everything that isnt bolted down walks. Get yourself into the Coach House for your weekly fix of all sorts of drugs and loose women. All in all, a lovely wee place.

Naughty Billie.     :lol:

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8 minutes ago, billytheghillie said:

Got Ya! only yanking your chain, had you worried for a mo! never been there in my life. Good luck with the new house and move 👍

You ******! Nearly had a bloody heart attack searching frantically for whatever you were on about! Every cloud though- I've now scoured through every gypsie and traveller headline in Lincolnshire and none effect the house haha so thanks?!? Get yourself out shooting something and leave us panicky folk alone! Good one though fair play.

8 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

It's a lovely place, lots of chicken farms and Typhoon jets over the top from RAF Coningsby.

Yes we had a lovely flyover from half the RAF when we viewed it! Great to hear its as nice as we found it- so difficult from being out of area and only getting few hours at a time there to try figure it out cant beat local knowledge and opinion.

6 minutes ago, Sweet11-87 said:

even through im from the north ive bought a few guns from MGR guns down that way. canny shop

Handy to hear there's a gunshop local! I will have to check that out thanks

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Cracking gun shops at Tumby (Derek Lees) and Wragby (Forest Lodge Guns) and a superb cartridge dealer near Alford (Coppins).

Brilliant pub with superb food at Conningsby (The Leagate Inn). Recently changed hands and they have really turned the place around. Tuesday pie night is really worth a visit. A large pie with excellent chips and gravy for two to share £25. The Moo and Blue (steak and Stilton) is superb. It is also very dog friendly.

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7 hours ago, moondoggy said:

Cracking gun shops at Tumby (Derek Lees) and Wragby (Forest Lodge Guns) and a superb cartridge dealer near Alford (Coppins).

Brilliant pub with superb food at Conningsby (The Leagate Inn). Recently changed hands and they have really turned the place around. Tuesday pie night is really worth a visit. A large pie with excellent chips and gravy for two to share £25. The Moo and Blue (steak and Stilton) is superb. It is also very dog friendly.

Sounds like some great advice I’ll look forward to trying both the pubs and the gun shops! Thanks for the info 

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