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lamping again


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hello lads, got a call from my mate niall on friday, could tell he was excited about something! his dad was down their land friday morning at 7 30 showing ponies to two englsh ladies, oh look at the lovely fox one of them says, and out pops another the pair walked across in front of them without a care in the world! niall wanted to see if we could get them so i headed back that night. just heading down his land niall says we will probally see nothing! just as he said it shine lamp over the gate and there is foxy at about 30yds!! he ran into some cover the land is very rough, lot of bushes, furze stone walls and banks and hillocks all over the place. we head for a high spot to get a good view. spot the fox on one of the very few flat green patches at roughy 180yds. no point trying to get closer as the ground was all down hill and id have no place to get a shot from. i settle down and get a nice rest which is a great help niall is on the lamp, the fox moves to the edge of the grassy patch abot to go over a bank i take shot the fox drops and rolls over the bank.

we head down to look for him and when we get to the green patch niall starts rising me saying i missed him! unknown to me he had already seen the dead fox on the ground! i was getting well ****** off! then we spot another at roughly 200yds on a little hillock, furze on both sides of him a wall in front when i get down totake the shot i can see his body just about over the wall, i settle up half cranky an half excited not knowing where the first fox was yet! fox gives a nice side on cross hair on shoulder an american eagle puts an end to her night! then niall starts laughing and shows me where the first fox was! cheered me up no end! could have gave him a wallop!

a third fox was shot in a field of heavy rushes at about 120yds have no pic of him as the battery was gone dead in my carry lamp


dog and vixen

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Good stuff as always conor :lol: I was out there friday night with my mate shane i got 1 and he got 3 with my tikka some cracking shots pulled off by him too i was delighted because he reckoned my rifle was a bit dodgey :P I got a nice vixon today the springer put her out of cover and i got a nice crossing shot.I will be kept busy for the next few weeks where our pheasant pen is located there is a big maize field the lad in the harvester seen 14 foxes leave the crop as it was cut during the day :)

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Mark - I agree with Lazza, you are sure gonna be busy for a couple of weeks mate.

I sure am lazza and tulky im just waiting on the farmer to cut the top part of the field to give me a high vantage point over the whole field which is very large then go in over a couple of nights with the scope light and rifle and hopefully thin them down as there is WAY to many there in such close proximity to the pheasant pen :good: I will fill ye in with the odd report :lol:

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