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Honest answers only please, Britain next 20 - 50 years


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There will be a pakistani prime minister and eventually entire goverment, goverment pensions will be scrapped and you will work until you die, I predict that a new Pakistani/Bangledeshi/Indian super power will take over the UK, all retail business will be run by ethnics including Polish, the true english person will become a second class citizen in his or her own country, which ever way you look at it we are totally and truely screwed.



Can you expand on this as it is as near to saying "Elvis will lead us to the land of milk and honey..............and deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches" ie no substance and all conjecture.

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I also believe there will be a pandemic, probably along the lines of bird flu.

There will be a major loss of life in all countries.

It is actually expected, I was contacted last year by someone who was after having a large morturary fridge built for that reason.



....are they a private individual or a NHS trust. The former is scary and the latter Bull, as if there is a pandemic you will be, if lucky, burning the bodies, if not, heading to the hills until they rot away.

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I think it will be a similar situation to Israel and the palestinians. Armed enclaves will sprout up around the country. Moslems born here will claim they are fighting for "their" country, as will we. Suicide bombings will be commonplace, and citizens will walk around routinely armed. Not just with pistols, but m16`s and the like.

Everyone of fighting age will be expected to be part of a militia, and be able to defend life and property at any time. National service will be compulsory to train everyone basic military skills before joining the militias.

The country will polarise, with moslems moving to their parts, we to ours. No mans land will exist between them and us, but the weak among us will allow them to cross over to do "menial labour" as their only way to make money and for their enclaves to survive. The weakness will be exploited to attack us.

Eventually artillery duels and mortar attacks will take place. They will be financed and supplied by Saudi, Iran, etc, and foriegn fighters will arrive.

The situation will inevitably resemble Chechnia, or the former Yugoslavia.



..........maybes in the I.O.W. :good:

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there allready exists a state of "no-go" areas ........................... blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law ................... anyone who doubts what is being said ,come and have a look ,guided tours will be given



Forgive me for asking but if there are "No-go areas" is it wise to be offering guided tours ??


.....also on sharia law does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam.

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i,m sure that at some point there will be a civil revolt and when that happens there will be no stopping it due to all the pent up aggression that's forming with the legit population, it will be genocide on a scale that would make even Hitler cringe :good: . Did Germany really loose the war or just the battle ? as it looks to me as if some real smart *** person is manipulating the EU in such a way that something will snap one way or another and when it does it wont bear thinking about what will happen.

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Guest raymond1
there allready exists a state of "no-go" areas ........................... blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law ................... anyone who doubts what is being said ,come and have a look ,guided tours will be given



Forgive me for asking but if there are "No-go areas" is it wise to be offering guided tours ??


.....also on sharia law does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam.

guided tours by armourd car in daylight hours only is what i should have said , and not all male ethnics in blackburn have facial hair ,.........as for them having harems :good: i wouldnt put anything past them :lol:

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Guest The Outlaw

I hope my family and I will be in New Zealand by then.

I moved from Slough to near Winslow 8 years ago so my kids didnt have to learn any strange languages apart from French or German.


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Guest raymond1
I hope my family and I will be in New Zealand by then.

I moved from Slough to near Winslow 8 years ago so my kids didnt have to learn any strange languages apart from French or German.


dont you think that is unreasnable of you :good: we are a "multi cultural country now" and if they are going to learn german/french then whynot urdu ,or gudjerti or punjabi,.........or are you one of those racialists :lol:

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there allready exists a state of "no-go" areas ........................... blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law ................... anyone who doubts what is being said ,come and have a look ,guided tours will be given



Forgive me for asking but if there are "No-go areas" is it wise to be offering guided tours ??


.....also on sharia law does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam.

guided tours by armourd car in daylight hours only is what i should have said , and not all male ethnics in blackburn have facial hair ,.........as for them having harems :good: i wouldnt put anything past them :lol:



Thanks for the reply, so you were talking rubbish then ?

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Guest raymond1
there allready exists a state of "no-go" areas ........................... blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law ................... anyone who doubts what is being said ,come and have a look ,guided tours will be given



Forgive me for asking but if there are "No-go areas" is it wise to be offering guided tours ??


.....also on sharia law does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam.

guided tours by armourd car in daylight hours only is what i should have said , and not all male ethnics in blackburn have facial hair ,.........as for them having harems :good: i wouldnt put anything past them :lol:



Thanks for the reply, so you were talking rubbish then ?

i had a point of view that was held by the majority ,if your oppinions differs from mine because you have had different experiences with ethnics then fair enough ,but dont tell me i am talking rubbish ,.i live among them

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Guest raymond1
You said "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law"


I said "does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam."


You said "No"


Therefore I again say you are talking rubbish, or please prove me wrong.

people like you wont be proved wrong , your not interested in what goes on in inner cities or the social problems that go with them , this is why things have got to this state , the only way you will ever find out is by comming for a look then you wouldnt be quite so blinkerd with your veiws ,people have different oppinions and dont allways see thing the same way as some would like

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You said "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law"


I said "does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam."


You said "No"


Therefore I again say you are talking rubbish, or please prove me wrong.

people like you wont be proved wrong , your not interested in what goes on in inner cities or the social problems that go with them , this is why things have got to this state , the only way you will ever find out is by comming for a look then you wouldnt be quite so blinkerd with your veiws ,people have different oppinions and dont allways see thing the same way as some would like



No you made a statement, I made a counter statement, you went off on a tangent.


You said "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law"


I repeat, do all muslim men in Blackburn have a beard, you answer NO, I say you are talking rubbish, I WIN.




I`m not blinkered, I`m not seeing things different, I asked.........once again for clarity, DO ALL MUSLIM MEN IN BLACKBURN HAVE BEARDS, as it is part of sharia law, YOU ANSWER NO



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Guest The Outlaw
I hope my family and I will be in New Zealand by then.

I moved from Slough to near Winslow 8 years ago so my kids didnt have to learn any strange languages apart from French or German.


dont you think that is unreasnable of you :good: we are a "multi cultural country now" and if they are going to learn german/french then whynot urdu ,or gudjerti or punjabi,.........or are you one of those racialists :lol:

I'm not a racist I like foreign people, every English family should have at least one :/ :yp: :lol:

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Guest raymond1
You said "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law"


I said "does that mean all male Muslims in Blackburn have facial hair as this is haraam."


You said "No"


Therefore I again say you are talking rubbish, or please prove me wrong.

people like you wont be proved wrong , your not interested in what goes on in inner cities or the social problems that go with them , this is why things have got to this state , the only way you will ever find out is by comming for a look then you wouldnt be quite so blinkerd with your veiws ,people have different oppinions and dont allways see thing the same way as some would like



No you made a statement, I made a counter statement, you went off on a tangent.


You said "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law"


I repeat, do all muslim men in Blackburn have a beard, you answer NO, I say you are talking rubbish, I WIN.




I`m not blinkered, I`m not seeing things different, I asked.........once again for clarity, DO ALL MUSLIM MEN IN BLACKBURN HAVE BEARDS, as it is part of sharia law, YOU ANSWER NO



i dont see what beards have to do with it ,like i said your blinkerd ,...or else why do you have to make a point of winning ,or is it because your at the point of spitting your dummy out

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Guest raymond1
I hope my family and I will be in New Zealand by then.

I moved from Slough to near Winslow 8 years ago so my kids didnt have to learn any strange languages apart from French or German.


dont you think that is unreasnable of you :good: we are a "multi cultural country now" and if they are going to learn german/french then whynot urdu ,or gudjerti or punjabi,.........or are you one of those racialists :lol:

I'm not a racist I like foreign people, every English family should have at least one :/ :yp: :lol:

you should be carefull about those sort of comments ,henryd will be trying to win yours off you

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I hope my family and I will be in New Zealand by then.

I moved from Slough to near Winslow 8 years ago so my kids didnt have to learn any strange languages apart from French or German.


dont you think that is unreasnable of you :good: we are a "multi cultural country now" and if they are going to learn german/french then whynot urdu ,or gudjerti or punjabi,.........or are you one of those racialists :lol:

I'm not a racist I like foreign people, every English family should have at least one :/ :yp: :lol:

Yippee we win! white families from my home town have at least 3 foreigners to each family :lol:

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One things for sure, if there was major civil unrest and you thought about turning to the contents of your gun cabinet to defend your family, the police will have got there first and stripped every legal owner and left them defenceless. The crooks on the other hand will be running about raping,shooting,murdering.

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I have said it before, this Country needs a dose of common sense not the Third Reich.


Churning it over and over under different thread formats still means the contents will start and end the same way and will always lay the bait out for the trolls.


Nothing anyone says or does on this forum will make a blind bit of difference.


Fair play to those who vote and those who are lawful activists for any policitical party or movement (left, right, raving looney) - at least you can say you got off your backside and had a go at making a change.


Bored bored bored.

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i dont see what beards have to do with it ,like i said your blinkerd ,...or else why do you have to make a point of winning ,or is it because your at the point of spitting your dummy out



No it`s simple, you did say "blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law" didn`t you ?


And I said that it isn`t true and you are talking rubbish, because to be a true muslim, you have to have a beard.


"So set your face truly to the faith, Allaah's handiwork according to the pattern on which he has made mankind, (let there be) no change in the creation of Allaah." (Rum 30:30)


The above means that you have to leave your face as Allah created it.


That means you have to have a beard to be a muslim and therefore to be under sharia(muslim) law you have to have a beard and therefore all muslim men in Blackburn should have beards and as you have said they don`t SO you are talking RUBBISH.


Please retract your former statement as it is incorrect and ill-advised.

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dont forget that this country was totaly crime free, no dole scroungers and no go areas didnt exist before immigrants !!


a fair point but i dont agree with that completly ,england has never been a eutopian state ,we have had prison for centuaries

but if you watch the main news on an evening it does not require a lot of working out where most of the crimes are conceived and by whom , every time there is a murder , drug deal the perpetrator does seem to have an odd name ,.......the one i like most though is not murder ,.........but honour killing !!!!!!!!!!!!



Whoooooooooooooooooooooosh. :good:


raymond1, have you ever heard of irony.

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Guest The Outlaw

The whole reason I would move to New Zealand is for the scenery and better climate.

However before I left I would vote as I have always have for whoever puts the Great back into Britain.

Its a shame that proportional representation wasnt brought in to voting 20 or so years ago.

Then this country wouldnt be in half the trouble it is in now.


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Guest raymond1

i am not retracting anything ,i dont have to because past events prove what has been happening ,london bombings, world trade centre , the list goes on , each claimming to be devout muslim ,.........interestingly , how many of those people had beards ?,..........like i said ,your blinkerd

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