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6 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

It’s already being used for lots of things. Drug discovery and development are one of the success stories, saving billions. Of course for every good use case there’s likely at least one mis-use case.

AI is such a broad topic. Not much to really fear of current AI but the real race is around general AI, that’s when it gets scary.

There’s some great east reading books about it, most of the ones that are well known focus on the dark side.

General AI is coming, the when and to what extent is the question.

Now, this may be controversial, but I’d almost equate general AI realisation to a singularity event akin to the human creation of a “God” like entity which is “all powerful” and all knowing. “” used to highlight that the power needs to be disconnected from direct control of anything that can be misused. But then the question of what constitutes misuse comes into play.

I’m by no means an expert, hoped to have retired before GenAI broke into mainstream. Hope to be out before quantum. For now am forced to embrace GenAI as clients already demand ~30% price reductions even if the solutions are mostly not yet industrialised.

I haven’t answered your questions but would suggest don’t worry since we have no control over what happens after the GAI singularity since the outcomes very much depends on who gets there first.

It will be the key to eternal life and moving off this planet as machine becomes man. 😁

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PS - I know a LOT of AI/ML experts, none of them would be daft enough to claim they are experts in all AI topics but they are all a bit bemused by the frenzy of hype around Generative AI.

1 minute ago, oowee said:

It will be the key to eternal life and moving off this planet as machine becomes man. 😁

Life Jim but not as we currently know or enjoy it. Assuming it came in time and you could afford it, would you?

I could see the appeal of an interim phase before I ask the lights to be switched off permanently…

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On 17/07/2024 at 19:38, ditchman said:

my worry about A.I. is 

  1. who will use it
  2. who will control it
  3. who will set the parameters

im not talking about manufacting...im talking about policing the internet and gleaning information......open forums like this will be dead....cause they will be monitored along with the peodorings on the dark web.....which AI could be used to bring them down....which is a good use of AI as it is almost impossible for humans to move thro cyber space with speed....a machine needs to police a machine.....

but its all the other infomation that will be gleaned about ordinary compliant people...that can be easily controllled

there is nothing anyone can say to me thatwill aliviate my fear........it is going to happen..it cant be stopped

Common sense asks me what could possibly go wrong?🤔

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1 hour ago, old man said:

Common sense asks me what could possibly go wrong?🤔

the govt will PROMISE from day one everything will be alright...............and we all believe govt promises dont we.....the trouble is that millions of muppets believe them

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