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New visitor - Mr Fox


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We knew there was a fox in the estate - and I saw it walking the dog on Bin Night. Well, last night, we had the curtains and window open seeing as though it was unusually warm based on this year!! I thought I saw a cat jump out low wall into the front garden. Turns out it was a fox after the hedgehog food we put out. We have several hedgehogs coming now and currently our drive seems to have turned into a dogging site for them from the noises they are making 😂

Question is though - we have a small dog - would there be issues with them meeting when we let it out for it’s bed time constitution?

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2 hours ago, discobob said:

We knew there was a fox in the estate - and I saw it walking the dog on Bin Night. Well, last night, we had the curtains and window open seeing as though it was unusually warm based on this year!! I thought I saw a cat jump out low wall into the front garden. Turns out it was a fox after the hedgehog food we put out. We have several hedgehogs coming now and currently our drive seems to have turned into a dogging site for them from the noises they are making 😂

Question is though - we have a small dog - would there be issues with them meeting when we let it out for it’s bed time constitution?

Why was it walking your dog on bin night?:)

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We quite often see foxes on the cctv system. Mostly they are just passing through but I have seen them feeding on worms out on the front lawn after rain. It is something to see the athletic performance when they go over the garden fence in one  movement as if it wasn't there.  The foxes sèn to be in residence for a few weeks and then move on and a new fox takes over residence. Seeing as we live on a small housing estate there is absolutely no possibility of shooting out of the window.  It's a total. Non starter. Firstly wouldn't know when it would be out there and you would have to be at the open window rifle at the ready.   I  don't think that pedestrians or vehicles parsing by would appreciate it and I don't think that plod would accept such. Behaviour and they would just revoke my tickets.

Edited by Minky
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13 hours ago, Minky said:

We quite often see foxes on the cctv system. Mostly they are just passing through but I have seen them feeding on worms out on the front lawn after rain. It is something to see the athletic performance when they go over the garden fence in one  movement as if it wasn't there.  The foxes sèn to be in residence for a few weeks and then move on and a new fox takes over residence. Seeing as we live on a small housing estate there is absolutely no possibility of shooting out of the window.  It's a total. Non starter. Firstly wouldn't know when it would be out there and you would have to be at the open window rifle at the ready.   I  don't think that pedestrians or vehicles parsing by would appreciate it and I don't think that plod would accept such. Behaviour and they would just revoke my tickets.

Wouldn’t be looking at anything like that. We will just go out and check before letting the dog out. He likes to pee and scrat in front of the hedgehogs but apart from that leaves them alone

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We have Mr. fox in the garden most nights. If there are any scraps left out for the birds he takes them but always leaves me a little present.  I wish he would attack and eat the little dog that wakes me most mornings at around 0530 what it's daddy walks it past my window.

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