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Plier type bird dispatcher


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I have a friend who uses one. It works efficiently. 
But they are just an answer to a problem which does not really exist. 
Use your priest if you can be bothered to carry one. 
Otherwise use your thumb stick if you carry one. 
Or learn to properly dislocate any birds neck. It really is very easy once you have been taught the knack.

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They can be reasonably be cheaply made from old large wire stripping pliers or sidecutters of suitable jaw shape that are then "attacked" with an angle grinder to give a gap between the closed jaws. For sure if you have a stroll around any large car boot sale you'll find a likely candidate. I agree, personally, that they over merit on winged game over the use of a priest and are more dignified that the old practice of your biting the head or swinging the poor creature around like a whirligig.

If you DO have to but then poultry suppliers are a lot cheaper than buying from gun shops! Or so called "countrystores"! Also if good quality often cheap on eBay.





Edited by enfieldspares
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I have seen them for the £30 Mark 

Standing behind guns especially with duck i was wanting something I can use quickly and effectively so I can concentrate on the dog 

thanks for the replies so far I think stimo 22 has made up my mind for use with duck


I seem to recall wagbi and Basc used to sell them years ago

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There is also the push type that has a crescent shaped metal band to put against the bird's head and then you push a spike into the back of the head. Meanwhile the internet and a good search engine is your friend. Hope it helps!


Edited by enfieldspares
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Some horrific replies here! I have seen them all over the years from people who have no idea how to kill game.
You do not swing birds around like a whirligig or twizzle and snap the neck! 
To despatch any bird humanely, from a snipe to a goose, you dislocate the neck. Take hold of the bird’s feet with one hand and its head with the other hand. The head should be in your palm with your middle finger under its chin. Stretch the bird to it’s full length and then, using your middle finger under the chin lift it’s head backwards. Another stretching movement of about a quarter of an inch will dislocate the neck where it joins the head causing instant death. This is also the best method for rabbits and hares. Pigeons are the most difficult as very little movement can sometimes pull the head off if clumsily done.

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