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Who's the hardest

Yorkshire Pudding

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So who's hardest the Scots the Welsh the Irish or the English ;)


My votes for the Scots very tough nation seeing as even the blokes wear , ladys clothes . Your going to grow up a fighter in a "boy named Sue" kinda way .


all the best yis yp :/



:good::lol: Immigrants :lol::lol:




Impossible to stop ! :lol:

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The english - we conquered them all, so it only makes sense really!!


Heads down lads!! :lol:


And how much were ye able to hold on to :lol:


More than the Irish ever did!! :lol:



P.S called the fighting Irish for a reason


Never heard that saying before...must be an Irish thing!!! ???


How can the friendliest,most accomodating, happiest nation on earth (who also invented Guiness) be the hardest??

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It's the Scots.


If you attempt to convince the rest of the world that men can wear skirts / dresses and call them ancestral clothing then you got to be able to back it up.


Porridge and tossing (cabers) keeps them fit. Living in the freezing cold and rain keeps them hardy. The effects of heavy drinking cannot be distinguished from the incomprehensible Glasgow accent, all in all which surely makes them the hardest tramps you will find on the London underground.

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It's the Scots.


If you attempt to convince the rest of the world that men can wear skirts / dresses and call them ancestral clothing then you got to be able to back it up.


Porridge and tossing (cabers) keeps them fit. Living in the freezing cold and rain keeps them hardy. The effects of heavy drinking cannot be distinguished from the incomprehensible Glasgow accent, all in all which surely makes them the hardest tramps you will find on the London underground.


Naughty! Very amusing and well-written!

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More than the Irish ever did!! ???


Pearl of Wisdom number 4,579


Na na na nanana :oops::sly:



Interesting stat that (mind you don't believe everything on wikipedia! :lol: )...so how did you get ALL your new roads paid for by the EU :lol: , esp. when half the country still drive a cart driven by donkey power (which I do advocate as a VERY good mode of transport!)?? :lol:

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Interesting stat that (mind you don't believe everything on wikipedia! :lol: )...so how did you get ALL your new roads paid for by the EU :lol: , esp. when half the country still drive a cart driven by donkey power (which I do advocate as a VERY good mode of transport!)?? :oops:


Not at all, we now all drive (by law) gold plated SUV's (mostly paid for by Cranfield's money) with ridiculously big engines. So much so we are now considering buying Venezuela (as it's permenant silly season in the Middle East) with the next big EU cheque in the door :sly: You can look up that stat elsewhere, I'm sure we've moved up positions since then :lol:


As for how we got it, by negotiation and a natural talent called "cute hoorness" ???

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Being in the SAS doesn't automatically make you hard.......tough and professional maybe but natural hard....No


The hardest of the lot are a hotpotch of all the home nations......GEORDIES......They're the hardest




Good Lad :good::good::yes::lol::lol:



Here mark.....seeing as we are Geordies that makes us hard dont it..... :yp: GRrrrrrrrrr

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