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Steel shot and eco wads through silenced shotgun


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5 hours ago, Tickerman said:

Anyone use steel shot through their silenced shotguns? 

I’ve a silenced 20b over and under and was looking at using steel shot through it, but wasn’t sure how the eco wads would behave travelling through the silencer baffles. Any experiences? 

I’m not aware of a subsonic steel load although you could ask the manufacturer 

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17 hours ago, Tickerman said:

Anyone use steel shot through their silenced shotguns? 

I’ve a silenced 20b over and under and was looking at using steel shot through it, but wasn’t sure how the eco wads would behave travelling through the silencer baffles. Any experiences? 

Only one way to find out. 

Bear in mind, the slits on the eco wads are moulded like a lead wad, not cut as most (all) other steel wads are, so pellets can sneak through the gaps as happened to me.

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The op doesn't say which moderated gun he is using. 

But yes I've put thousands of steel factory and home loads through my invest arm 20 gauge. 

Only thing i would advise is steer clear of lyvale they have a plastic base wad which gets trimmed going up the barrel and fills the moderator quickly. 


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