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good old british government


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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.



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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.







no change from the old bill there then.

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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.



Cmon Harry, this Goverment turns a blind eye to people who demonstrate against us , threatening death to non believers!! any other goverment would arrest and/or deport such scum.not this bunch of cowardly looney leftyies who control us.! :good:

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:good: I agree with most of you. If your in a muslim country, which sudan abviously is, you dont do anything you think might offend themshe should have known thsi alraedy especially if she had already spent time thre before she did this unless she had a paper bag over her head for the duration. My only concern is that was there any sensitivity training carried out before she left.
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:good: I agree with most of you. If your in a muslim country, which sudan abviously is, you dont do anything you think might offend themshe should have known thsi alraedy especially if she had already spent time thre before she did this unless she had a paper bag over her head for the duration. My only concern is that was there any sensitivity training carried out before she left.



but she is getting on in years,and it was not entirely her fault.


we here about compassion and understanding over here for them. but they have none full stop.

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its not about were better than them. Its simple fact that they are a muslim country they are feircly protective of there diety and they will not take kindly to people micky taking. She should have known this all she had to do is turn on the news to find out. I have one muslim friend ive never been taught about islam ive never been to a muslim country yet i still know not to insult there prophet. You cant say just because we tolerate something in our country that they should in theres. People that do that we call Americans.

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I can speak from experience having visited the middle east on many visits, They are all strict Muslims until they get a chance to leave for any reason and then many want to become western, and even change clothes on the plane ( I have seen this) you often find there is a few stirring the others up and when many would take a moderate view over things like this they feel they have to support their own who bang the gong of treason and wind the others up, you must remember there are many movements who will plant protagonist in any situation they can effect some gain from it, I am sure most Muslims are normal folk who just want to get on in life but unfortunately they have there activist like we have our Chavs!


Pavman the voice of reason

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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


As usual everyone seems to have gone off the thread a bit ! :good:


Personally I'd like to think (I know I live in cloud cuckoo land) that my government would do all in it's power (including sending in the gunboats) to get me otta there if ever I was banged up in a foreign country for something so trivial. At least reason (and possibly inter government threats) prevailed in the end.

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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.




What are you talking about?<_<


You honestly think she deserved to do time for naming a teddy bear by the "wrong" name?


If you are a representitive of the uk police we are all *****d


And to say "if we were to treat a visiting muslim different if they broke the law here would be wrong" well hello wake up smell the coffee,they get away with a hell of a lot more than the rest of the population,because you lot have to be "sensitive" to their faith and are tippy toeing around because you can be accused of being racist.You say you wouldnt go to a muslim country and go against there laws and culture its a pity it doesnt work both ways eh!

They stand on our streets chanting kill,kill,kill what happens?...The NEXT day a couple of them are arrested,they werent arrested on the day because it might have inflamed the situation,so they were allowed to get on with it,suicide suits an all.

A few months before that some people were demonstrating about civil liberties and there way of life being curtailed by the government (aka foxhunting ban)and what was the response to these middle class mainly white demonstrators?A baton charge,cs gas police in full riot gear wielding batons on oap,women and children..So your everyone is treated the same sounds great and would be even better if it was practiced.. :good::big_boss:

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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.




What are you talking about? <_<


You honestly think she deserved to do time for naming a teddy bear by the "wrong" name?


If you are a representitive of the uk police we are all *****d


And to say "if we were to treat a visiting muslim different if they broke the law here would be wrong" well hello wake up smell the coffee,they get away with a hell of a lot more than the rest of the population,because you lot have to be "sensitive" to their faith and are tippy toeing around because you can be accused of being racist.You say you wouldnt go to a muslim country and go against there laws and culture its a pity it doesnt work both ways eh!

They stand on our streets chanting kill,kill,kill what happens?...The NEXT day a couple of them are arrested,they werent arrested on the day because it might have inflamed the situation,so they were allowed to get on with it,suicide suits an all.

A few months before that some people were demonstrating about civil liberties and there way of life being curtailed by the government (aka foxhunting ban)and what was the response to these middle class mainly white demonstrators?A baton charge,cs gas police in full riot gear wielding batons on oap,women and children..So your everyone is treated the same sounds great and would be even better if it was practiced.. :good::big_boss:



good post BB.


same as the hunt march when women and children where clubbed

for nothing. has anyone ever seen a immigrunt get treated like this.

some folk should get out of there t5 now and again.

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Mr Miliband dismissed the need to free Mrs Gibbons, saying it would be easier to let her serve the jail sentence in full.


I quite agree, it would have been easier to let her serve the 2 week sentance in full.


Question is should he have left her to it?

Personally I think he should have. It was only 2 weeks inside. When you go to a country like that you should be aware that the culture is so very different from our own. Would I go to Saudi Arabia and take some alcohol or steal something. Would I ****. Why? Because I know they would cut my hands off!


I also think if we were to treat a visiting muslim in a different way if they broke the law here then that would be wrong.




What are you talking about?:lol:


You honestly think she deserved to do time for naming a teddy bear by the "wrong" name?


If you are a representitive of the uk police we are all *****d


And to say "if we were to treat a visiting muslim different if they broke the law here would be wrong" well hello wake up smell the coffee,they get away with a hell of a lot more than the rest of the population,because you lot have to be "sensitive" to their faith and are tippy toeing around because you can be accused of being racist.You say you wouldnt go to a muslim country and go against there laws and culture its a pity it doesnt work both ways eh!

They stand on our streets chanting kill,kill,kill what happens?...The NEXT day a couple of them are arrested,they werent arrested on the day because it might have inflamed the situation,so they were allowed to get on with it,suicide suits an all.

A few months before that some people were demonstrating about civil liberties and there way of life being curtailed by the government (aka foxhunting ban)and what was the response to these middle class mainly white demonstrators?A baton charge,cs gas police in full riot gear wielding batons on oap,women and children..So your everyone is treated the same sounds great and would be even better if it was practiced.. :lol::lol:

Wise words, B B, I am starting to be worried that even our? police are now taking the wrong side now, ( Islamic Oops ignore what hese up to, pick on /arrest that white citizen over there instead) :huh::lol::lol:

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Can someone tell me why there is a 'Black and Asian Police Officers' Association' (or similar) and why a 'White Police Officers Association' would not be allowed?

I asked my local Council member (an ex-policeman) is reply was .... 'Don't ask'




because you 'honky's make no fuss !! yas just moan to each other, cluk, cluk !! :huh:

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