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What jobs?


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This country is going to be filled to the brim, over poulated, we can only support a certain amount of people.


What I dont get is that one day we are saying we are bringing in workers from abroad to fill in jobs that we dont want, then the next we are saying that we are bringing in Doctors and nurses from abroad. What jobs do we get?

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Just been reading a goverment report that states___ MIGRANTS HAVE TAKEN 4 OUT OF 5 JOBS! SINCE NEW LABOUR HAVE TAKEN OFFICE!! Seems about right. :lol::lol::lol:


Have you got a link ??


Strangely enough my employer has not employed one migrant worker in around 40 recruits this year and none last year.........so somewhere they must have taken ALL the jobs.



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trouble is you say anything and you are branded a racist, dont say anything and it just keeps happening! Im voting for the bnp as them lot seem to be the only party interested in deporting them.

the truth is that this country is going down the pan, the current government have just lined here own pockets and are going to leave a trail of **** behind basically they have let all of the immigrants in to swell the economy faster than its natural rate so that it looks like they are acheiving figures, trouble is the country wont be able to keep going like this for long before the **** hits the fan, im just glad i live in the middle of nowhere!

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Just been reading a goverment report that states___ MIGRANTS HAVE TAKEN 4 OUT OF 5 JOBS! SINCE NEW LABOUR HAVE TAKEN OFFICE!! Seems about right. :lol::lol::lol:


Have you got a link ??


Strangely enough my employer has not employed one migrant worker in around 40 recruits this year and none last year.........so somewhere they must have taken ALL the jobs.



Yeah HD, I have just been reading the Daily Mail!

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Come to Lancashire you get served in the local supermarkets by a polish person you go to a Italian , Indian , Gurkha restaurant your water/waitress is a polish person you go to the chemist this is no joke you get served by a polish person who gives you the wrong prescription tablets , they work everywhere im not joking my bud is part of a team that runs a large multi million pound building site and guess what they have a polish work force they even had to add extra security as the polish wanted to work later and on week ends when the British lads where off home to see there family's

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Just been reading a goverment report that states___ MIGRANTS HAVE TAKEN 4 OUT OF 5 JOBS! SINCE NEW LABOUR HAVE TAKEN OFFICE!! Seems about right. :lol::lol::lol:


Have you got a link ??


Strangely enough my employer has not employed one migrant worker in around 40 recruits this year and none last year.........so somewhere they must have taken ALL the jobs.



Yeah HD, I have just been reading the Daily Mail!


But you didn`t read it all did you..........."Migrants have taken four out of five jobs created since Labour came to power


"The commission said that when all age groups were considered, including those over normal retirement age, migrants still took 68 per cent of 2.1million new jobs"

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Just been reading a goverment report that states___ MIGRANTS HAVE TAKEN 4 OUT OF 5 JOBS! SINCE NEW LABOUR HAVE TAKEN OFFICE!! Seems about right. :lol::lol::lol:


Have you got a link ??


Strangely enough my employer has not employed one migrant worker in around 40 recruits this year and none last year.........so somewhere they must have taken ALL the jobs.



Yeah HD, I have just been reading the Daily Mail!


But you didn`t read it all did you..........."Migrants have taken four out of five jobs created since Labour came to power


"The commission said that when all age groups were considered, including those over normal retirement age, migrants still took 68 per cent of 2.1million new jobs"

Sorry Headmaster, I Will study harder next term! :lol::lol::lol:

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Its terrible. There are unemployed British lads, salt of the earth, OUR FUTURE, who are unable to take unskilled, semi skilled jobs because all of these foreign types save up to leave their countries and families and come over here and work hard.

Meanwhile our decent honest lads, god bless 'em are unable to find work anywhere and have to resort to hanging round on street corners, taking drugs and robbing for their money while moodily eyeing up these immigrants who have come to provide the much needed labour this country needs to operate.

Impotent with rage these shell suit clad "victims" are as they watch these slavic workhorses make a positive contribution to the British economy and can only rage in clipped fury as they **** their giro's up against the wall.

A wall the chances are the bleeding' poles built.

This country is going to the dogs allright


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as the polish wanted to work later and on week ends when the British lads where off home to see there family's


I think that just about sums it up about the British workforce, they only have themselves to blame.


Unfortunately, this is distorting the situation. The Polish lads don't mind working all the hours God sends, because their families are not here and they don't have a family life here to go back to after a days work. They also have a massive incentive, in that the money they are earning here (which is going back to Poland) is making them seriously wealthy back there, house paid for in a year or so etc.


They are putting up with this level of graft for a year or two, because the dividends for them and their families are huge. British lads don't have this incentive. If British lads start working the hours the Polish lads are putting in, family life goes out the window, and yet they will still not see the kind of financial benefits the Poles are getting back home, because our lads are locked into an inflated cost of living here. Surely, it's not good for us to be sleeping 10 to a room in some hovel, and turning our backs on our families. The difference is, we'd have to do it permanently (for nothing), whereas the Poles put up with **** for a limited time, then go home to a life of Riley (Reilly) - whoever :huh:


It's created an entirely artificial situation in the workplace, and whatever the nonce politicians say, it hasn't been thought through properly. I don't blame the Eastern European lads at all, if I had the opportunity to go and get rich in a year or two, of course I'd do it. As a political decision, to allow this level of immigration - it's idiocy. :lol:

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as the polish wanted to work later and on week ends when the British lads where off home to see there family's


I think that just about sums it up about the British workforce, they only have themselves to blame.


Unfortunately, this is distorting the situation. The Polish lads don't mind working all the hours God sends, because their families are not here and they don't have a family life here to go back to after a days work. They also have a massive incentive, in that the money they are earning here (which is going back to Poland) is making them seriously wealthy back there, house paid for in a year or so etc.


They are putting up with this level of graft for a year or two, because the dividends for them and their families are huge. British lads don't have this incentive. If British lads start working the hours the Polish lads are putting in, family life goes out the window, and yet they will still not see the kind of financial benefits the Poles are getting back home, because our lads are locked into an inflated cost of living here. Surely, it's not good for us to be sleeping 10 to a room in some hovel, and turning our backs on our families. The difference is, we'd have to do it permanently (for nothing), whereas the Poles put up with **** for a limited time, then go home to a life of Riley (Reilly) - whoever :huh:


It's created an entirely artificial situation in the workplace, and whatever the nonce politicians say, it hasn't been thought through properly. I don't blame the Eastern European lads at all, if I had the opportunity to go and get rich in a year or two, of course I'd do it. As a political decision, to allow this level of immigration - it's idiocy. :lol:



did anyone used to watch "Aulfedersein Pet"

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Unfortunately, this is distorting the situation. The Polish lads don't mind working all the hours God sends, because their families are not here and they don't have a family life here to go back to after a days work. They also have a massive incentive, in that the money they are earning here (which is going back to Poland) is making them seriously wealthy back there, house paid for in a year or so etc.


They are putting up with this level of graft for a year or two, because the dividends for them and their families are huge. British lads don't have this incentive. If British lads start working the hours the Polish lads are putting in, family life goes out the window, and yet they will still not see the kind of financial benefits the Poles are getting back home, because our lads are locked into an inflated cost of living here. Surely, it's not good for us to be sleeping 10 to a room in some hovel, and turning our backs on our families. The difference is, we'd have to do it permanently (for nothing), whereas the Poles put up with **** for a limited time, then go home to a life of Riley (Reilly) - whoever :rolleyes:


It's created an entirely artificial situation in the workplace, and whatever the nonce politicians say, it hasn't been thought through properly. I don't blame the Eastern European lads at all, if I had the opportunity to go and get rich in a year or two, of course I'd do it. As a political decision, to allow this level of immigration - it's idiocy. :lol:



Spot on the money as far as I`m concerned, and just to flavour it with a British twist, my BIL was a basic sparkie and decided that crawling about someones underfloor, re-wiring their house would not be a good idea for a 50-60 yr old man so in his early 30`s he went to uni at nights.

He got became an electrical engineer and gained a bit of experience in the UK over 4-5 years and then with recommendations got a job in ...............wait for it........................Kazakhstan !!


OK get over the Borat jokes, he is now earning £700+ a Day !! and as such is a tax exile, however he will pay for his house(£3/4 M) and pay for his kids school fees over the next 18 months - 2 years.


If you have the mental attitude as well as the ability then you can do it.............good luck to them all I say.

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I'm with you Henry, I employ drivers and I'd far foreign ones who want to work rather than someone from here who doesn't. Its not even about major hours its about getting them to do 9-17:00 without loads of attitude and wanting breaks all the time.

The reason why the Polish bashing gets especially tedious is that most of them are properly registered in the UK and pay tax just like any of us so why shouldn't they get things like child benefit etc even if their kids aren't in the Uk they are paying or it after all.

I'd expect to be able to move to France or Poland and get the same benefits

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