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FAO pktaylor


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irrespective of your age or standing the way you have posted in the for sale/wanted is inexcusable. To threaten people the way you have( i wish would you would die ) is juvenile and tars all other serious shooters with the same brush as you have obviously chosen to paint yourself. grow up or f++k off. It is difficu;t enough to convince farmers to let us shoot on their land. If I was a farmer reading that post I would never let anyone on my lAND


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if a member of the police force or a fla was to read his postings i am quite sure they would reject his 22 rf application.is this a good case for not moderating it?

btw why did he refer to the unfortunate chap as a hoe? whats wrong with garden impliments anyway :lol::lol::lol: .

in my considered unbiased opinion mr taylor is a bit of a gay.

regards plinker :lol:

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i read the offending post and the first though i had was....

teenage girl slamming her bedroom door after being told by parents she cant go out and play LOL


it is far from what i would expect from a responsible shooter, no matter what the circumstances.


but taylor you should appologise as coments like that have no right to be on a forum which is monitored by some who wish the sport would disapear into the archives of history and museums.


and by te way i may not be able to spell perfecty, but at least it doesnt cause anyone offence unless i miss spell "ducking off to the pub" :lol:


though does make you wonder what sort of person taylor is to deal with :lol:


dont think i would deal with him :lol:


i am by far the perfect person to deal with i sometimes forget to check my in box and sometimes emails take a little while to get to me though have never messed anyone about intentionaly and when i do know about problems i contact buyer/seller imidiatly or as soon as possible to let them know the score.


so let this be a lesson to all buyers and sellers alike if you have something for sale please post a reply if you will not be able to respond due to holidays, or even better refrain from posting items for sale until you are able to check it on a regualr basis even if its only checking emails.


ok waffle over, back on yer heads


ROB :lol:

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