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sweepys beaters day

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well the day finally arrived

we had said from the start of the season that the 26th would be are last shoot.

but then we had a bit of luck .

sweepy has been beating for one of the local landowners .and has always attened the beaters day. but this year when sweepy asked about it he was told that none of the other beaters were intested in having one this year .

so sweepy thought that would be that untill he was asked if he would like to sort hes own beaters day out .and invite who ever he would like for they day shoot on the 700 acres :lol:

well sweepys not a man to say no :lol: .

we arrived at the farm yesterday morning .to be met by fellow guns and beaters .all made up from friends who have help us with are shoot. we had three dogs sammy, mitzy and beleve it or not a little show cocker .that really was a star .

the 1st drive .was on a slight sloping field .

that first drive is always my favourite .

the dogs are eager to get started .and i must admit that standing waiting for the signal to start working the dogs .gives mrs sweepy a little buzz to .

anyway sammy decided to do a julie andrews . and went running down the hill .but he did manage to bring four birds up .two cocks and two hens (only cocks day) .both drop like lead balloons .with little sweepy hitting the second one :lol: .


the second drive .sammy work a dream in the cover crop . and so did the little cocker .manage to bring up four birds .but three of them must have built in rader so live to see a other day :good:


third drive .sammy caught onto the idea that its more glamorous and a lot less hard work to become a peg dog . so he latch on to little sweepy for the rest of the day (hes not as stupid as he looks ) :lol: .


after the forth drive we decided to stop for a liquid break of sloe gin and champas.

so the next two drives you will have to ask sweepy about .

but i do remember me and one off the other beaters getting the fit of the giggles in the middle of the a drive .

and beening told off by sweepy for blowing my whistle to much and upsetting the dogs :good:

apparently they did not appreciate the little tune i was making on it . :P


the seven drive was the wet woods drive .

by this time i had sober up a bit .now this was the one drive i was dreading as i had heard so much about it . its that one drive everyone hates .

and as i stood i could see why .it was evil looking there was no way you could get in with out being cut or attack by the bushes . anyway with some very kind words from sweepy . (get your *** little **** in there ) i started to fight my way in .only to be tangle by the hair by some nasty looking bush .( that woods must be full of my DNA now .)now once i was in i thought all my troubles were over with . i started to move forward .did not get far when i started to get that sinking feeling . i tryed to move my foot .but nothing happen .

then i could not move my other foot .I WAS STUCK AND SINKING FAST).

one off the beaters called out to me. to ask if i was ok .

now me being me did not want to own up to the fact that i had found the peat bog .

so i shouted back yes i was fine .

now i wasnt about to own up to being stuck . and was so sure that i would be able to get myself out .

but after much pulling and giggleing. from me .sweepy and a beater decided to come back and see why i had drop back from the rest of the beaters .

well the beater rush over to help me while sweepy just stood there . and after the coughing fit he suffered from laughing so much that my embarrassment

he manage to give out the call BEATER DOWN .

which thanks to him. it bought every beater and gun to witness me with much embrassment being drag out of the bog. without wellies on. (got a feeling am not going to live that one down for a long long time). B) .

anyway i could go on and on about the day. but i know how much some of you get tired of my ramblings. :lol:

plus the boys want feeding .

so i will finsh

but a good day was had by all . and even sammy excel himself by catching a bird as it flew out of a hedge in front of him . which little sweepy then dispatch(he first one ).

by the end of the day we had a bag of 21 birds two ducks one rabbit .

to finish the day off everyone was invited back to ares for as much food (thanks to the mum inlaw )and booze they could drink .

and judgeing by the state off my house and bottle bin . i think everyone had one hell of a day .


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