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If i had access to a smith and a bit of spare cash


Brno mod 2 or 5 action or CZ 452 action

Wilddog Varmint Stock

28" match barrel of some sort


Should cost you much at all


Going by memory is ther an importer called foxes i believe they deal with coopers they're a cracking gun

Edited by Peter_HMR
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coopers are nice, but there is a reason almolst every olypic shooter uses a annie, i have a anchutz and am in love with it but a CZ is a very nice buy for alot cheaper and will surfice for most field shooting, i read a article that claims that a cooper shoots about as good as a CZ but has very nice cosmetic looks and well machiend and built parts, food for thought

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coopers are nice, but there is a reason almolst every olypic shooter uses a annie, i have a anchutz and am in love with it but a CZ is a very nice buy for alot cheaper and will surfice for most field shooting, i read a article that claims that a cooper shoots about as good as a CZ but has very nice cosmetic looks and well machiend and built parts, food for thought


Cooper don't make Match rifles (they do a 22lr BR) and I doubt you would shoot in the Olympics with a Sporter or BR Rifle!!


Imported by Brian Fox http://www.foxfirearmsuk.com/mainpagefront.htm


I have owned both flavours of rifle X1V Carbine 22lr, 1517, 1717 and a Model 21 Varminter albeit not all Rimfires but the Coopers are a different league.


Litts sometimes carry stock of Coopers but if they don't and money is no object just buy a CZ whilst you are waiting.

Edited by JRDS
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And again for CZ. Anschutz are good guns but i dont think the price difference is worth it. Spend the difference on decent optics and you will have a very handy, acurate set up for not a lot of money.

Sako finfire is a good quality rifle for the money. Unfortunately only available now second hand.

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