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Vixen from the high seat


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I had a chance to play with the rifle after the first syndicate work party of the year.


So decided to check zero at 120 yards - not a fantastic group but acceptable and would mean any fox in range should get very dead later :good:



Then onto the high seat for the last hour of daylight, over looking a large field surrounded by woodland - it is the first time I have been to this patch and it looked a perfect spot to ambush fox.


There was a little breeze blowing and I decided to put some bait out 80 odd yards away with the whiff drifting into the wood - it should draw foxes out.


After sitting up for 1/2 an hour the wind dropped completely and any noise carried a long way - I could hear people a long way off.


Although I had none of my normal selection of calls with me I did have my mobile (and still had the calls I put on there ages ago an had not used for some time).

So with these conditions I decided to play a few tunes - it worked. I called in a blue ***, squirrel and the rabbits showed some interest - mostly "yikes thats another bunny just eaten by foxy"


I did have a fox stick its nose out of the wood too. Luckily it darted back in soon after allowing me to move the rifle in line for the next time it appeared.


It next appeared out into the field about 30 yards away and was soon in the cross hairs. Lucky I checked zero earlier :lol




That one will not be munching on any poults.




Edited by AndyCM
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Nice result Andy :good:


What rifle and ammo was you using?






Hi LB,


Cheers, it's a Remington 700 in .243 Win with a Timney trigger and HS Precision stock + ASE UTRA S5 moderator.


The ammo is home loaded 95g Nosler Ballistic Tips (good for fox and deer) - I'm just doing a new batch now :angry:



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Although I had none of my normal selection of calls with me I did have my mobile (and still had the calls I put on there ages ago an had not used for some time).

So with these conditions I decided to play a few tunes - it worked. I called in a blue ***, squirrel and the rabbits showed some interest - mostly "yikes thats another bunny just eaten by foxy"







Well done Andy :good:

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