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Rabbit Season??


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the rabbits here have been breeding right the way through the winter, You can usually see signs that they are mating by tufts of fur out in the field this is from the bucks fighting for the females and its also from when the does get mounted where the buck sometimes holds on then spits a big clod of fur out and another sign is bedding being kicked out of burrows containing a lot of fur which the doe rabbit uses to line the nest from her belly fur and thins the fur out so the young can feed easier .I shoot them all year round but they get a bit of a break from the shots being fired at them this time of year as its no fun lying in wait with a rifle on a cold or wet day.(fine weather shooter)

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I supposed it depends if your shooting to protect the crops and eradicate them or if your shooting only for the sport.


Exactly, as already stated, they pretty much breed all year round. If you want to maintain your future sport then give them a break now and then and dont shoot kittens or juniors. However, if you're doing crop protection for a farmer who wants to see results then the gloves have to come off.

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We worked very hard on Sunday for a total of 12 scutails. 10 were bucks and the 2 does were carrying young and probably about to birth them. We would like to stop the season now as we have been seeing pregnant does for a few weeks but unfortunately we have obligations that need to be met or someone else will step into the breach :hmm:






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from my experiance, I find that now the weather is milder through the winter months the bunnys tend to breed prety mutch all year round,


I dont enjoy shooting young or milky does but on some farms I would lose the permission if I did not, depends weather you are doing crop protection or casually controlling numbers.


if you can leave them be to breed and supply you with some good numbers to controll after the main breeding season :blush:


good luck


kipper :lol:

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