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Ferreting at the weekend


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A mate of mine bought a house with a rabbit infested garden back in December.

He has been getting the numbers down with the rimfire, but for obvious reasons the success rate has dropped as the reamining inhabitants have wised up.

Coincidentally he had a knock on the door from a bloke who used to ferret the garden for the previous owner, and offered to come round and do the same.

So we met up on Sunday to let battle commence.

Using a longnet/stop nets/shotguns the plan was to cover as much ground as possible.


What are we waiting for??




Some of the ground would have taken ages to net up so we were relying on the 2 guns (me and my mate) to do their stuff, never a great idea :rolleyes:

Obviously the rifle culling had had an impact as the numbers were pretty low.


None in that one:



We moved about picking up the odd one here and there, moving onto some easier ground in hope of more sport.

The ferrets were loving this ground as the runs were very shollow so they kept popping up/down again, I was amazed how quickly they covered the ground.




We can't remember all the numbers, but it was something like 9 to the guns and 7 to the ferts/nets.

The most important thing is that only 2 that bolted actually got away, one was an unsafe shot and the other was missed - more than once . .


The bag - 16 less to worry about.




The spade only came out twice and there was evidence of at least a couple that wouldn't bolt.

It was great day, enjoyed by all, and good to see someone who knows their stuff at work :drinks:

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