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Yes, the picture was done as a joke, it is a stuffed fox.They do not make good pets, they are never really happy or tame in captivity (not that I know what a happy fox looks like), they will run off at the first chance they get, and as has been pointed out, they stink. The only good un is a dead un!

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Yes, the picture was done as a joke, it is a stuffed fox.They do not make good pets, they are never really happy or tame in captivity (not that I know what a happy fox looks like), they will run off at the first chance they get, and as has been pointed out, they stink. The only good un is a dead un!


I am with you all the way on that one :innocent::rolleyes::mad::mad:

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aint it illegal to actually keep a wild animal like a fox?? :good:



No mate, nothing stopping you at all :hmm:


From what I can make out you need a LICENSE to keep a wild animal (inc charlie)


I was reading the other week on a defra site i think it was when I had an argument over the release of Fox back into the wild when a Woman said it was perfectly legal till I pointed out under the abandonment of animals act it COULD be Illegal!


I assume once you HAVE said license there will be no problem but don't let it out without a leash :hmm:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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