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Myself and SS had a good day today, but my legs feel like they have been running a marathon!


Only picked up a couple of bits myself, just a new training dummy and Acme whistle. It was good to see SS at work chatting up TV vet Trude :hmm: You sly old dog SS :yes:


It's on at 20:00 on BBC2 for those interested.

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It could just as easy have been a Tibetan Terrier, a Uzbekhastan Poodle or a Patagonian Pomeranian, the breeds seem to get more obscure each year. :blush:

I wonder where they find the Judges who know what the breed standards should be.


Cranberry, remind what your pooch is. i saw one like it today on the show and pointed it out to my wife but could not remember the breed.


Thank you.

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I got chatting to a keeper I'd met at a field trial comp & he had just taken first place with his working cocker & was hoping for a place for his clumber, he was well ****** off with all the show breeds that were entered in the gamekeepers class. It turned out the old girl that was judging new her stuff & he was made up with his win :good:


We left before the best in breed gamekeepers class final, does anyone know what & who one?


As for Trude, she was gorgeous much better in the flesh :no::no: I definatley would



Edited by Stealth Stalker
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