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Top man Pin :good:

Its a shame that Edward Duke did not back his words with actions at the time of the ban, the feelings were there to be channelled into direct action. I know the feelings still simmer in some, especially those who where on the march and witnessed spotty faced filth getting baton happy. I am still working on a site that allows the naming of some of our most notorious opponents and details of where they appear. With a bit of luck it will be a data base of areas they are most problematical and provide some advance warning of any planned acts. It will of course rely on feed back from shoots / hunts / fishermen, something I hope people are willing to contribute to.

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Bloody Nightmare - Oakley Hunt Kill AGAIN

A stag was torn to pieces by dogs in front of horrified householders. They were the same Oakley Hunt dogs that fatally savaged a llama near Luton last month.




Llamas? in Luton?B)? :yes: jesus! ill have to get a FAC sooner than i thought! :good:

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You could always give the anti`s some info >>HERE<< of course it will have to be totally kosher and not a wind up :yes::good:



I left them a couple of tips. :blink: :unsure:


Heard that there was some guinea pig racing coming up next week, and I thought they should know that the mouse jockeys are classed as clinically obese, which would be unfair to the guinea pigs. B)



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Top man Pin :angry:

Its a shame that Edward Duke did not back his words with actions at the time of the ban, the feelings were there to be channelled into direct action. I know the feelings still simmer in some, especially those who where on the march and witnessed spotty faced filth getting baton happy. I am still working on a site that allows the naming of some of our most notorious opponents and details of where they appear. With a bit of luck it will be a data base of areas they are most problematical and provide some advance warning of any planned acts. It will of course rely on feed back from shoots / hunts / fishermen, something I hope people are willing to contribute to.

Good man Digger.


Make sure you get a link on here as soon as it's done. :oops:


I'll get a link on Moochers for you as well if you like. There's a hunt saboteur album on there with some decent pics and info. :good:


FM :good:

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