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There are a million and one threads on here on just this question alone.


Rotary decoying devices will usually draw the birds, because they put movement in your layout.


There are times when nothing will bring the birds in, not even a rotary device.


In some places the pigeons apparently are getting wary of these devices and they are more deterrent than attractant.


That is just a summary of three main points that usually get made. :hmm:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went out yesturday for a few hours. We couldnt take the rotary as the battery was dead. However, the birds never stopped coming in. I felt that if i was to utilize the rotary it may well have detered the pigeons.


Its all about trail and error for rotarys. sometime they work...other time they dont

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Havent used one for two and a half years and havent found any reduction in the Pigeons I shoot.


Some say they will "pull pigeons in for Miles around off the flight line " but in my experience this is B*****ks


I use 20 or so shell deeks, 10 Full bodied, 2 or 3 floaters on a glass fibre wand (old fishing rod blanks.) and occasionally a flapper. I try and use real pigeons on the floaters and flapper.


I got fed up of carting the Pinewood and battery all over the place so I sold it on ebay !


Like they say.... you pays your money and takes your chance..

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Fisherman Mike , Quote "Some say they will "pull pigeons in for Miles around off the flight line " but in my experience this is B*****ks "


You should have been with me today in Norfolk Mike. The magnet was pulling pigeons in from 3-400 yards away. For two hours I could not keep the ******* out of the decoys and on a number of occasions some members of the same flock came back for a second and once a third look after being shot at over the magnet. And this was not on a main feeding field , but one with strong flightline over it.


There are days when magnets do not work , but for me they are outnumbered 20-1 by days when they do work.


I must confess here that I am the only regular person shooting pigeons over a large area and the few others that do go mainly roost shoot. So perhaps my pigeons are a little inocent. Off again in the morning but this time setting the magnet in 2" high rape next to a sitty wood ( this will be the 6th day on the trot pigeon shooting ) with just a hand full of decoys on long sticks . Usually this brings the birds into my corner of the wood.


Mike its getting a bit late in the season now ( I stop shooting mid April until November ) but if ever you are up in my neck of the woods and want to see a magnet work let me know ( bring ur gun with you ).

Edited by anser2
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Mike ,



That’s 20 mins drive away. Unfortunately I cant shoot a lot of my ground until after the end of the main game season ( mid January ) unless the pigeons are doing some real damage like this year. I still have about 1,000 acres where we might be able to do something. September is a awkward time of year , the rape stubbles shooting will have finished as it will have sprouted , the acorns will not have fallen , but some birds could be on the wheat stubbles and there will be some autumn drilled corn. Unfortunately I do not have any beans or peas.


My pigeon shooting usually starts with a few days on the rape stubbles in Late July\August , followed by a lull until they come into the woods after acorns ( I have plenty of woods ) in November. In a poor acorn year my rape shooting can start in November , but in a good acorn year its usually late December. There after the numbers of pigeons build over the rape until mid March when some years we have 10,000 birds. Once into April the game birds start to breed and the area I shoot is reduced and anyway I do not get much time to shoot during the spring and early summer , due to work.


Nevertheless PM me Mike and we will see what we can sort out.




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