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The Labs MOT


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I took Ben to my Vets today for his annual booster etc and when she listened to his heart she noticed he has what appears to be a heart murmer and also went on to tell me that he was lethargic and probably off his food :blush:


It's news to me as he is full of beans and as active as the first day I got him but I got a quote to have him checked out anyway.


£495 and then he may need some work depending on the results :blush:





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A bit off topic, but i went for a check up with a GP once and they thought i had a heart mumur, i said that was a load of ... and got someone else in immediately to have a go on the stethoscope to prove the GP wrong, which he was...


I say/hope that the vet is pulling your chain, how would they know that the dog is off his food afterall you seem to think he is full of beans :hmm: They weren't slow to give you a quote were they :blush:


Deffo worth a second opinion :blush:

Edited by Poacher
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The vet isn't that cute Dan, but the Dutch girl standing in for her is :lol: Unfortunetly my regular Vet has recently opened a new practice and is spreading herself thin at the moment. This gorgeous Dutch blonde haired blue eyed jobbie also told me that my Jack was seriously underweight when he had his MOT :blush: You would think that they would have a limited understanding of Lurchers when they went through vetinarary college :blush:


I will be getting a second and third opinion as my boy is an excellent picker.


Thanks for the replies boys and girl :hmm:





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Blimey, whilst she had your pants down did she make you turn your head to the side and cough?





Now that I would have paid good money for :blush:


Can't find a decent Dominatrix in Kent for love nor money :hmm:


BTW, all chils have started turning colour :blush:






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The Labrador with a dodgy heart/murmer worked his nuts off this afternoon for 12 woodies and 3 rooks in 2.5 hours.


Sent him out without any hand signals and got all quarry back. Although he didn't like the black ones as they were attacking him all the way back to the hide :good:






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  • 4 weeks later...

Just read this thread - we had a lab with a slight heart mumour couple of vets checked it out years ago and basically one said it was there, another said not. We did a lot of soul searching at the time about what was right but a long story short, we did nothing and she's now 15 and still going (although a lot slower!)... Maybe there is something minor there, but we'll never know for sure and it's obviously not done her any harm!

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My old Springer had a heart murmer for years and years LB, they grade them 1,2 etc. Hers was the least bad type, (such a phrase)? and it never seemed to have any ill effect on her atall, she used to bomb around like a right nut!...........get another opinion and ask what grade they consider it to be, hopefully it's very slight as was Lotty's

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My old Springer had a heart murmer for years and years LB, they grade them 1,2 etc. Hers was the least bad type, (such a phrase)? and it never seemed to have any ill effect on her atall, she used to bomb around like a right nut!...........get another opinion and ask what grade they consider it to be, hopefully it's very slight as was Lotty's


:good: I had a Welsh Springer who was diagnosed with a heart murmur at around a year old. Our vet's advice, sensibly, was that we had two choices 1) wrap her in cotton wool, don't let her get cold/wet or exert herself or 2) let her get on with it and she may live a couple of year less but she'll enjoy herself.... she was PTS a couple of years ago at 17!


If the vet's can't even agree whether there is a murmur or not it can't be that bad! Hope nothing else comes of it mate.



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