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Dang Buzzards


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Well i went for my first shoot in almost 13 weeks and i have to say i was dissapointed.


I got up at 5:30 and was in field by 6:00 i crept my way in to the trees and waited for light, as the sun came up i was hopeing to see some pigeons in a tree that they regularly roost in but to no avail, after sitting motionless for over an hour a shot presented itself, a pigeon landed no more than 25 yards away i raised my rifle only to hear the sound of beating wings :blush: oh well i thought more will come then a tree rat came out to play and i thought yes finally but a black bird gave out a shrill alarm call sending the rat running for his life. I thought i know im out of practice but this is just plain ridiculous and then i saw it the problem i have been having all morning. It seems i have a pair of buzzards who have decided to move in to my permission and they were both trying desperatly to take to the wing but with no thermals i gues it was just too much hard work and they decided to sit preening for the best part of an hour then i decided to go for a wonder and whilst walking around i spoted a pheasent at about 60 yards that would be nice for sunday dinner. unfortunatly a clean shot didnt present its self and my grouping is no were near good enough at 60 yards to guarantee a clean kill so i tried to stalk my way in, i got to around 40 yards and he froze, So did i then out of no were i see a Huge bird, the dang buzzards were trying to fly again. I thought great the pheasent will stay put and i can move in closer but boy was i wrong, I stayed low moving up on my belly there are old grave stones infront of me blocking my view from the pheasent at this point. I creep up and move in to position resting my rifle on one of the old grave stones i peer over hopeing the pheastent doesnt see me but as it turns out the pheasent had done a runner as i was creeping up :blush:


Well better luck tomorrow i guess



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Where can i get one of these, i dont want to be in any trouble. I genrally only shoot pigeon and tree rats as thats all there usually is on my permission, this is the first time i have seen pheasent on my permission and as you say its a good job i didnt take the shot :blush: well lesson learned for me there :blush:


I am genrally a complete n00b with this and that is another reason i have stuck to pigeon and rats as i know there genrally are no restrictions with these


Thanks for the advice



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Go here http://www.basc.org.uk/


Have look in the shooting section and any others that take your interest. You'll find information on quarry identification, shooting seasons, airgunning (and other) codes of practice - tons of stuff.


Join them, or join another organisation - but join something.


But I don't think you'll find the raft of information that you'll find on the BASC site on any of the other sites.

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Rifle? out of season Pheasants? no picture?




The only thing you did right was not take any shots. Study the BASC site (all areas) very well. Learn first, shoot later.. not the other way around. :blush:

Shooting up into trees with a rifle? I'd guess it was an air rifle then. Air rifle - pheasant? :hmm:


EDIT: This was in sporting pics before hence guessing at the rifle being an air powered one.

Edited by mr lee
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....I stayed low moving up on my belly there are old grave stones infront of me blocking my view from the pheasent at this point. I creep up and move in to position resting my rifle on one of the old grave stones i peer over ........



And you have permission to shoot in a graveyard !!!

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With regards to shooting on a sunday i am led to beleive i am allowed here i was under the impression that you could not shoot on bank holidays and christmas - national holidays of such manner i had no clue its every sunday, where can i check to see that i am allowed?


And NO i dont have permission to shoot on a graveyard but for some reason in the field i have permission for there is a section that has old broken grave stones, old cars from the 60's and other random junk, Dont worry there are no graves within miles of my permission just the old stones that i guess have broken over time as some of them date back to before the 2nd world war. The chap who lets me shoot on his land grows christmas tree's for a living he has 2 fields that he alternates growing on and one is sort of a dumping area, said dumping area for old compost etc is were i can shoot. Its not ideal and to be honest there isnt alot to shoot over there other than pigeon picking through the old compost and a few tree rats but it does me whilst i find more permission :blush:.


Mr Lee


You are correct it is a S200 Air Rifle


With regards to not shooting pheasents with a air rifle, Obviously other than the fact they are out of season why shouldnt they be shot with an air rifle? I have herd many a storys of people dispatching them with air rifles and the death being quick and painless, as long as its a head shot i was under the impression that it is fine? My rifle is putting out at 11.3 ft lb :blush:



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Im not going to lie, Honestly i did want to see how close i could get BUT because i did not know they were not in season having never hunted them before and not really intending to hunt them (Hence not knowing the season dates etc) i would of taken the shot if it had become available. Obviously ignorance is no excuse and that is poor show on my part :blush: but not knowing the proper regs on this i thought hell this is an opportunity i cant miss as i have never shot/tasted pheasent before and as far as i knew it was all legal for me to do. Thank god i didnt get the shot as the last thing i want to do is anything illegal or to taint this wonderfull sport that i am slowly but surley getting more and more involved in. Could anyone recomend any good monthly issued magazines that i can learn from please?


Many Thanks



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If you hit any prey in the correct spot with almost any weapon you could probably kill it. This doesn't make that weapon the best tool for the job though does it? I personally wouldn't shoot anything bigger than a pigeon with an air rifle. Headshot or not. :blush:

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Im not going to lie, Honestly i did want to see how close i could get BUT because i did not know they were not in season having never hunted them before and not really intending to hunt them (Hence not knowing the season dates etc) i would of taken the shot if it had become available. Obviously ignorance is no excuse and that is poor show on my part :blush: but not knowing the proper regs on this i thought hell this is an opportunity i cant miss as i have never shot/tasted pheasent before and as far as i knew it was all legal for me to do. Thank god i didnt get the shot as the last thing i want to do is anything illegal or to taint this wonderfull sport that i am slowly but surley getting more and more involved in. Could anyone recomend any good monthly issued magazines that i can learn from please?


Many Thanks



If you join BASC then they send you out a mag every two months I think. Other than that, if you join a shooting club, most have old mags laying around for you to read up on and you also get to fine tune your shooting skills at the same time. You get the chance to meet up with other shooters and pick their brains as well as making a few new like minded mates. :blush:

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Mr Lee, Right too for the right job. Said it in one, and you cant be any more correct :blush:


Nitro before you dig yourself deaper, start getting familier with the legalities of shooting game, seasons etc.




Some other useful items to read through




BASC Codes of Practice




I know you may not have a lot of land, and I respect that you are making the most of it. But you still need to stay legal, and responsible.

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IMO you shouldnt be shooting anything untill you have done your homework on the legal side. Its no laughing matter when something goes wrong. You most likely dont have a suitable valid game license either :blush:


You will probably fins shooting more enjoyable when you are suitably prepared and equipped for it. :blush: Unfortunatly when you try to use a tool for something its not really designed for, and attempt something you are not permitted to do, you risk damaging a fragile sport, or getting yourself in trouble.


Not trying to stop you shooting or anything, but please take responsibility for what you do when it comes to shooting. :hmm:

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is their any thing in the law says you cant shoot game witha air gun in john darlings book "airgun hunting" he says he aften shoots cock pheasants and ducks and would like to shoot some grouse


just a question dont bite

Edited by highseas
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Lets face a few facts here Nitro, you seem to have a few opinions about fox hunting and the like, even though you have never seen one and you seem to think you will get an easy ride because you were ignorant of the law regarding pheasant, as you would be wriggling in a court of law if you tried that.


I suggest you go away and learn all the legalities before you even get your gun out and plink. You do no favours for shooting sports.

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Hey Nitro don't get despondent - the advice you've been given will save you from the law and harm. Do your homework. Read the advice given in this forum, you will improve your technique and be a better and safer hunter, offering the land owner a better service. People talk, and if your land owner is happy he could easily recommend you to someone else with even more land and more prospects. Don't be shy to ask for advice there are many great guys on here who are more than happy to answer questions. Join BASC! They offer great insurance and leagal help. Good luck mate!

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in regard to only being able to shoot pigeon as in birds what about crows.


Also henry d, in regard to ignorance being no defence don't remonstrate or go on because he didn't shoot it and it doesn't matter because he will know now and definitley not do it agin without checking.


Keep on trying nitro but if you are unsure of leaglity then don't shoot cos it is better to miss an opportunity than end up being in big trouble and loosing your fac or shotgun and possibly all the guns you own.


Good luck, HSH :good:

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