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Hunting in the news again


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Can't get the exact URL but try this


then go to Hunt protestors video claims


Seems they are being intimidated ( sounds just like something hunters used to say when hunt sabs were king)


plus the evidence is overwhelming

two sticks and a leaf with blood on them - fox, dog, hunters or maybe squirrel blood?

I also believed that the killing of foxes is not illegal if not done with dogs i.e with a rifle (though there is no mentionas to whether this was the case.)

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When I was in Texas deer shooting a couple of years ago, we bought our hunting licenses, and were given a page or so of law relating to hunting. One of the items on the list was;


Harassment of Hunters, Trappers, or Anglers (Sportsmen's Rights Act) is punishable by a fine of $200 to $2000 and/or 180 days in jail.


It's about time that there were laws to this effect it this country, the anti's have had it their way for far too long. :good:

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So a bit of blood is evidence? Crikey, best whack out the tomato sauce and I could claim that a lion ate a buffalo in those woods for all it shows. I think if it was collected there and they they would have got some DNA tests done and have said on the news it was fox blood.


Sod the saboteur scum. Keep hunting. :good:


FM :blink:

Edited by Ferret Master
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I did see it and it was legal hunting, there was a trail laid and unfortunately the hounds got side tracked by a fox that even more sadly got killed next to a road. There isn't much you can say they were trail hunting within the law and a fox got killed sadly accidents happen :good:

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christ we allow pedo's into the country.but everyone goe's up in arms over vermin being killed if this was the case or is it animal rights makeing false claims again still heather mills cash will solve it .then we can rest,




I do wonder why some people don't have better things to do and / or worry about. Pathetic really.

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its nice to see a line of horses go through the countryside.


I say just ignore this and dont make a fuss of it.


Fox hunting was only banned to take away the spotlight on the Iraq war. I hope it comes back and up the antis.



not at all it was the issue that won a few key vote for tony bliar, he used it to bribe his own party members who would have voted against him on other votes. It should never have had so much parlimentary time but he had promised a lot of people it would happen even though he couldn't have cared less.


Not what I'd call democracy or why we have a parliment

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Fox hunting was only banned to take away the spotlight on the Iraq war. I hope it comes back and up the antis.


I agree with the above statement.. It was a farce from beginning to end just to stop people worrying about real life stuff as usual. Like out lads in Iraq getting killed. Same goes on now with **** in the news to stop them reporting on out losses out there. makes me sick.

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