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skb 557

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WOW 4inch's and who says size dont matter :beer:


the snow flakes are palm sized in sunny hull or ull as its called round here,, i opened the door before i even opened my eyes this morning and fell on me *** and as rudie my little [big] puppy sort of looked over to laff at me she ran on and skided and fell over on to her fat **** it was pure poetry,, the day could'nt have got any better i thought ;):lol: untill rude dog started makein yellow snow then proceded to eat her lovely creation it made me think of frank zappa "watch out were the huskys go and dont you eat that yellow snow"..


Seen as i have no real place to shoot i todled of to my mates gloryus garden as its the only permission ive got so far,its like half an acor and i built a nice back stop and theres no naighbors to worry about and when i got there i thought seen as though ive had such a fun morning id bring myself down by trying to hit a drawing pin at 40yards and i did it first shot WOW i was sooooo pleased i thought i bet i cant do that again and i was right but on my 6th attemt i did it again [with a diferant pin] and this is all down to my new super ten [which didnt come from the airgun centre but thats another story a **** story aswell] but i knew the S10 was good but i didnt know how good infact its so good it makes me look good :lol::D but to top it of 3 pellets landed on top of one another i could'nt belive it and still cant ive heird a lot of folks say ''oh they goin one on top of one another'' but alwas thought it was a figure of speach but it is'nt and i also found that the crappyst pellets ive got which are bsa storms and i mean **** to look at [build quallity] work the best and there one of the cheepst pellets ive got too but they work really well in the super ten i reckon bsa must set the rifles up with there own brand becouse they match the s10 super well...


But any way a fab morning and a very beautiful one at that but every morning is beautiful even if we cant see it for bills and crime tax's an so on :lol::no: i wish every one a good day and happy easter what ever that meens oh yer jessus rose from the dead for us so be greatfull or he'll get ya


please dont take afence or a gate or a shed as it was only a rubbish joke :good::sly: well good all and happy shootin i just wish i could eat targets an drawing pins or i had some real permission :lol:

Edited by skb 557
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WOW 4inch's and who says size dont matter :beer:


the snow flakes are palm sized in sunny hull or ull as its called round here,, i opened the door before i even opened my eyes this morning and fell on me *** and as rudie my little [big] puppy sort of looked over to laff at me she ran on and skided and fell over on to her fat **** it was pure poetry,, the day could'nt have got any better i thought ;):lol: untill rude dog started makein yellow snow then proceded to eat her lovely creation it made me think of frank zappa "watch out were the huskys go and dont you eat that yellow snow"..


Seen as i have no real place to shoot i todled of to my mates gloryus garden as its the only permission ive got so far,its like half an acor and i built a nice back stop and theres no naighbors to worry about and when i got there i thought seen as though ive had such a fun morning id bring myself down by trying to hit a drawing pin at 40yards and i did it first shot WOW i was sooooo pleased i thought i bet i cant do that again and i was right but on my 6th attemt i did it again [with a diferant pin] and this is all down to my new super ten [which didnt come from the airgun centre but thats another story a **** story aswell] but i knew the S10 was good but i didnt know how good infact its so good it makes me look good :lol::D but to top it of 3 pellets landed on top of one another i could'nt belive it and still cant ive heird a lot of folks say ''oh they goin one on top of one another'' but alwas thought it was a figure of speach but it is'nt and i also found that the crappyst pellets ive got which are bsa storms and i mean **** to look at [build quallity] work the best and there one of the cheepst pellets ive got too but they work really well in the super ten i reckon bsa must set the rifles up with there own brand becouse they match the s10 super well...


But any way a fab morning and a very beautiful one at that but every morning is beautiful even if we cant see it for bills and crime tax's an so on :lol::no: i wish every one a good day and happy easter what ever that meens oh yer jessus rose from the dead for us so be greatfull or he'll get ya


please dont take afence or a gate or a shed as it was only a rubbish joke :good::sly: well good all and happy shootin i just wish i could eat targets an drawing pins or i had some real permission :lol:

try these for nowt http://www.protargets.com/targets/index2.htm

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We've had about 1" of snow so far this morning. I was out and about since daybreak this morning, looking for a big, lamp-shy dog fox that I spotted last night, lurking in some game cover. I saw the fox whilst I was trundling around in the 4x4, so I gave him the beans with the .22-250 at 180yds. It left a hefty exit wound, made all the more dramatic by the carpet of snow. I'm slightly irritated that I left my digital camera at work on Thursday, as it would have made a good photo.


The snow is very peaceful, and the roads were virtually deserted.

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