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Rabbit Control


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This afternoon got a call from some one asking me to do a little rabbit control on about 50 acres, I had planned to go out with Axe on some of my ground so a small change of plan. Picked Axe up at 7pm and then headed 15mins up the road to the new spot.


As we pulled up to the access gate we were greeted with the site of rabbits running in all directions, I have never seen so many rabbits moving.


Axe had his HMR so he was doing the shooting as I had just my 243 along for Fox later at another bit of ground.


We sorted out kit and moved onto the ground to have a look see. Looking up onto the top of the ground a corner of a field looked promising form a safety point of view and so I glassed the area with binoculars and counted in excess of 40 rabbits.


Game on, we moved around below the crest of the hill and took up position cover the corner with a decent backstop and shots out to 131m per the range finder, perfect HMR territory.




Axe settled down and took aim at the first rabbit at 70m and drops it with a perfect head shot, with this 90% of the rabbits leg it into the hedges but a couple of small ones stay out, we leave them to act as decoys and wait for a few more to show their faces, which they soon did. We stayed in the same spot for only 20mins and accounted for over 10 rabbits, on occasion we dropped 2’s right next to each other within seconds, the HMR did not seem to both them that much.


A nice little bag built up.




We then decided to go for a quick walk over the rest of the ground before moving on to look for Charlie at another spot, I was amazed at the number so of rabbits there. Conservatively we saw in excess of 200 rabbits in 50 acres or so.


I am going to need a little hand to bring these under control.


We then moved on to the other ground and as we sorted out the gear Axe shone the lamp across the first field and we get fox eyes at 230m. I take up a position shooting of the roof of my car but cant get a 100% positive ID so don’t take the shot, it was safe though.


We call and move but cant get them to show again.


Head back up a lane/track to scope the large open area below a wood and again get eyes, 2 sets this time at about the same distance, I drop to the floor to get ready for the shot but they move into a wheat field and we only get fleeting glimpses of them. We try various calls etc for 15 – 20 mins but move on around to do a big loop around to get back to the car, as we near the spot the first set of eyes showed we again get them, angle is off so move a bit but no show. Again called and waited but nothing.


They are lamp shy foxes so a real challenge……but I am patient and we will get amongst them. The tall wheat is not helping at the moment….


Axe, glad you could join me, hope you enjoyed it and you sleep well after all that walking!


Must sort out a proper go at those rabbits again soon! Warn your butcher!!!!



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well done lads, sounds like those rabbits are going to keep you busy, what about NV for mr fox?


Will have to work consistently around the new rabbit patch to clear them up, wont be cheap on ammo though!


NV for the fox, could be worth a try but I dont have access to it. Going to try and set up an ambush or 2 in the mean time. One of the problems at the moment is the standing crops, wheat knee high means they can duck in and out of cover with ease.



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Axe's marksmanship with the HMR should give hope and inspiration to any other young shooters out there. :lol:




His first shot was a cracker in more ways than one, the sound of an HMR pill hitting a rabbits bonce is always nice!


He was a bit puffed out though, made him walk up a nice steep hill or 3..... :sly:

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Jerry, thanks for an absolutely fantastic evening. :lol:


I don't think I have seen so many rabbits in one area ever. I have reserved my next batch of Federals from KWG, so let me know when, i'll be more than happy to assist. ???:lol:


The stalk for the foxes was also enjoyable, despite the hills :sly: . It was a real pity we couldn't get on them. Perhaps when the wheat is havested, it will help stop the hide n seek we seemed to be playing last night.


Thanks once again.

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Jerry, thanks for an absolutely fantastic evening. ???


I don't think I have seen so many rabbits in one area ever. I have reserved my next batch of Federals from KWG, so let me know when, i'll be more than happy to assist. ??????


The stalk for the foxes was also enjoyable, despite the hills ??? . It was a real pity we couldn't get on them. Perhaps when the wheat is havested, it will help stop the hide n seek we seemed to be playing last night.


Thanks once again.


More evening sniping session are called for and I will be glad of the help, do we let Sussex Lad have a play there though...... :good:



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do we let Sussex Lad have a play there though......


I'm sure the 'old fella would love a chance at 'em, if he can manage to get that cannon of a Remmington/Pes outfit up the hill. :lol: Though he'll prably opt for his trusty Anschultz. :sly:

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Will have to work consistently around the new rabbit patch to clear them up, wont be cheap on ammo though!



My FEO walked a new permission with me last week and he asked me why i wasn't going HMR as the land had plenty of safe backstop, i am doing enough with my FAC Rapid and connot justify the cost of HMR ammo like you say it isn't cheep, but saying that i would love one AAARGH, keep up the good work lads


Maxwell :sly:

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Nice write up. Just a thought - won't the fox be more useful alive if you need to keep down the rabbits? :lol:


Fox ground is about 10 miles from the rabbit ground so no contradictory issues... :lol:




Ah, I see, I probably didn't read it properly :sly:

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