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I had an invite to shoot and found 500+ pigeons

pigeon master

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Hello all,


I got an invite to shoot an area which borders the North York's Moors on Sunday so I was looking forward to it as our quarry were rabbits.


I'm still waiting for my FAC so I just used this guys rimmy, as we walked round popping off a few rabbits per field the first shot I had a chance at was a nice easy one about 50 yards out, I looked through the scope and lined it up, gently squeezed the trigger and down the bunny went, as I walked up I saw another rabbit about 2ft away and thought it must have died on a previous day. I give this rabbit a poke and realised that I had just shot two rabbits with one shot. :huh:?????? . The guy I was with was as chuffed as me, the shot had gone through the head of the first and then through the cheek of the other.


When we were walking round I noticed loads of pigeons flying about and asked the guy what was the chance of getting the shotguns out one day and have a go at them. He commented that the land owner would only allow rabbits to be shot but there was a chance the other farmer would let us have ago, happy at that we continued our walk bagging 14 rabbits.


Just as we were about to rap up the farmer came over in his tractor, this guy asked if we could shoot the pigeons and he said yes no problems and told us to walk a little way up the valley to two stubble fields.


When we got there I couldn’t believe my eyes, 500+ pigeons lifted off this field and started landing behind us as we walked along the field, I was told by the farmer that no on ever shoots for pigeons as 99% of the land is pasture the farmers don’t really have a problem with them. I had just found a pigeon shooters dream, two crops fields in a massive area of pasture land and pigeons that have never seen decoys or a magnet.


I’m over there at the end of this week and hope that this day will be my first red letter day, I'm happy as a pig in sh@t at the moment because birds in these numbers on one field are very rare in my local area so I'm looking forward to it and I will keep you guys posted with some pictures and maybe a video.


Wow how much have I typed in this post.


Happy shooting


The PM

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Hope you fill your boots mate!


It can't be long now before your FAC drops on your doorstep.


I lined up a bunny once and also noticed a second wabbit behind the one I was shooting at. Hit the first one and sent him to stiffsville!! The second, when I scoped onto it, was lying so low and prone, I thought it was just spooked. When, after a couple of minutes it hadn't moved a muscle, I walked up to look.


Bits of bullet and bone from the first shot had made a mess of the second.


Bit of a fluke really.



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I also know of a guy who shot two deer with one shot. The bullet passed through the first deer just left of the shoulder blade and hit the one standing twenty yards beyond it. Killed both stone dead.


The round was a .243.


Just goes to show you how important a good backstop is!!!!!!!!!



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I've killed two rabbits with one shot on about 4 occasions, this is with a shotgun though. I was out with an airifle and my mate had a semi auto rimmie, I missed a rabbit and go ballix that ones gets away and he goes no it doesn't, swings his rimmie onto it and fires three shots hitting the rabbit each time. I was impressed, but I don't think this should be an invitation for people to shoot at moving targets with a single bullet/pellet as there is too much room for error.


BTW if you take a slight detour to london I can be your map reader ??????


Nice one mate, hope you get lots of shooting out of it, don't forget with Christmas coming up a bottle of his favourite stuff could line you up with some more and will certainly let you keep it until next summer when you can get some more action :huh:

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I was a bit lucky that day, my first rabbit double and a spot where no pigeon control has gone on for many a moon, the crazy thing is this guy I went with dont even have a shotgun so the thought of getting all these pigeons which are flying about his head everytime he goes out never even entered his mind.


"It did when I turned up"


Rubbing my hands with a big smile. :/


Happy pigeon shooting


The PM

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Hello guys,


well I'm sat here waiting to set off for them pigeons I mentioned in a previous post, the gun is gleaming and my back back is full of carts ready for some action.


I hope to start getting into these birds before 2 o'clock so I should have enough hours to get a good bag, 32 is my biggest so far in my first season of pigeon shooting so I'm hoping to beat that today but you can never be really sure your in for a good one untill the birds start to come down can you.


The lad I'm going with has just got his first shotgun and has asked me to give him the run down on bringing these birds down, I hope I dont let him down :lol:


I'm taking the camera and camcorder so I will update you you all later on, wish me luck guys because this could be my best day yet.


The PM

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Hello all,


I just got back from my expected red letter day, it didnt happen though because when we got there we found out from the farmer that someone had shot the field the day before....gutted :lol:


The day started well with a steady flow of birds coming in but 2 hours in the wind and rain cam down and forced us to pack up early, the end result 33 birds which I thought was a decent bag due to the curcumstances.


I could have bagged about fifty but but the lad I was with had just got his first gun so we shared the birds as they come in, he downed 4 birds so he went home a happy man and me too.


better luck next time I hope.


Picture in the photo section



The PM

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A new record none the less, sorry it wasn't the bumper day you were expecting but like you say now you've got a foot in the door you should have a great new piece of land, just so long as the lad you took out doesn't want it all for himself now! That would be a kick in the teeth! :lol:

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