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The anti's

Yorkshire Pudding

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I would have started this topic yesterday, but I had to make sure my IP was safe and my whereabouts not know. I've seen what these ****ers can do.


I knew the woman, and have shot with and beat for the Halls. Those upstarted, gob****e protesters have overstepped the mark by along way this time. They have burnt down barns, made up a paedophile spread, bomb hoaxes, caused the landlord to give up his tenancy or stop serving drinks to the family (or have the pub burnt down) The set off fireworks at night to keep them awake. The irony of that is that they scare the guinea pigs they are trying to save, and caused half a dozen cows to drop calves, animal rites my ****. Those ******** threw paint on a friends house, and paintstipper on his car because the wives played tennis together.


The protesters are hardly ever arrested by that bunch of inept tossers that have become to be known as the police. They even built a sign 200yds before the farm to warn drivers of the protesters. Which gives me a minute to think up some "fruitful" advice to yell at them.


Digging up an 82 year old lady and stealing her bones is so screwed up I can't think of words to express myself. I havn't shed a tear in along time, but I couldn't help myself yesterday. It is impossible for anyone who has not had this happen to feel how violated I feel now. The poor old woman wasn't even a blood relation. He daughter married into the family! :angry:


How twisted must one be to desecrate someones final resting place for a bunch of ******* GUINEA PIGS!!!!!


Those ******** deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.


I apologise for any offence caused because of poor language

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no need to apologise red,a very restrained post all things considered.those who did it are below contempt but thats as brave as they get.hiding behind letters,doing it all hidden because they have the spine of a jellyfish.do they wear balaclavas because they are scared or ugly ?

god grant me the grace to have me and them in a locked room for a little while.

my grandfathers died so scum like this can breath.the only language these vermin understand is violence and plod are scared of them so what chance the man in the street ?

and they wonder why country people are fed up ?


p.s. no idea what my ip is and i live in croydon.throw paint on my house ? i will get very cross :angry:

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I used to shoot the woodies there some years ago and further up the road at Six Lane End....that part of Staffs is full with varicose branches of the Hall family, though I never met the lady in question.


I used to stop and have a chat to the Permanent **** Protestors on the roadside (just before the dip into the Duchy forestry bit); barking for the main part.



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shall we pay them a visit ? those who protest will know who comitted this atrocity.

i can see them now in their darkened rooms self abusing as they think they are super heroes.oh my how the world will remember the hampster loving freaks.

or maybe not eh ?

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I used to shoot the woodies there some years ago and further up the road at Six Lane End....that part of Staffs is full with varicose branches of the Hall family, though I never met the lady in question.


I used to stop and have a chat to the Permanent **** Protestors on the roadside (just before the dip into the Duchy forestry bit);  barking for the main part.



I know the area well. I beat four shoots, and am a guest at another in the vincinity, streaching from Tutbury to Marchington and Droyington.


Digger, if you decide to, tape up your car plate. They have somone in the DVLA.





Severn ton of slurry.



Must be Nr Newchurch.

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How would these Scum like it if a heap of folk turned up outside there houses and started "protesting". Follow there families and scare the **** out of them??


Nice to see that they are to concerned about the animals to go and get a job and contribute to the taxes they enjoy living off of!!!





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This just goes to show that the animal rights movement is an insidious stain on our society, and they have been tolerated long enough. They are no different to those skinhead thugs who beat up Jews. It is time for the rulers of this country to say "enough!" and introduce legislation to deal with them once and for all.


I bet if their kids were suffering from conditions which are being researched into with animal testing, they would think differently.

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How twisted must one be to desecrate someones final resting place for a bunch of ******* GUINEA PIGS!!!!!

Quite so Red... and ill wager the deeds to my house that there isnt one amongst them who wouldnt accept the medical advances in treatment and pain relief made available to them because of the research and experimentation on guinea pigs and other rodents. They are a bunch of Hypocrites.. The sad thing is, that in this modern world where we have evolved as the master species, these subhumans have a higher regard it seems, for the life of an animal than they do a fellow Human being..


How times change, desicration of a grave was once a capital offence.


There used to be a very healthy population of water vole in these parts in the 60,s and 70,s in rivers like the Coln. Leach, Churn, Windrush, and even the Upper Thames.. not any more... The Antis broke into the local mink farms in the early 80,s and they have eradicated the lot. Just goes to show they havent got a clue what damage they are doing. Round em all up and send them to Africa if they want to do some good.



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Did anyone listen to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio2 this afternoon ??


He had a total t**t called Keith Mann on from the Animal Liberation front,

this guy was trying to justify why it was Ok to dig up this poor old lady's remains.


He called her remains "Nothing more than an inanimate object" and it was OK to

harm inanimate objects to save animals.


I was screaming at the radio whilst driving up the M40.


What a total and utter sub-human parasite this man, and all his cronies really are.

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Red,thanks for the advice re the number plates.by some strange twist of fate i have a friend who is able to access the same database.of course i am not for a moment suggesting any one should furnish me with,for example,the licence plate of any anti they come across with the intention of a home visit.that would be against the law ?

it had crossed my mind to visit these people with a veiw to having a rational debate.i can speak the same language as them ( i am fluent with both fists ).

a less scrupulous person than i may suggest false plates ?

of course i do not condone violence and the above post is all a lie.

if i went to these vermins hovels,gave them a hiding but then claimed membership of the ira,i would get let off.

the times they are a changing. :angry:

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Thats why you wanted LB1 adn LB2 made up then was it you cunning devil. You have something of the fox about you LB. I posted them to

23 Meridian street

just near the allnight spar

in the village of dunsmore ( not to be confused with the one in somerset)

Lower Loxley

Kent k23 988b

I hope this was the right address


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>Why have these people not been detained?

A read of the list of donors to the labour party might answer your question


Write to your local paper & MP and demand to know why terrorists are allowed to operate with apparent impunity on our soil.


My MP is nearly as rabid an anti as the scum who did this.

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