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I used to ride regally. I had an accident playing rugby and never got back on a neddy since.


TLE, I sometimes watch NHL on Sky, looks good fun.

;) :blink: ,i can sence how you felt on neddy there RED,my best buddy back home in bristol "dave saunders" had a horse (i use the term loosly ,the thing was possesed ) called TOPPER who bluntly refused to jump a fence,needless to say dave who woulnt let the horse not jump said fence met " terra firma" many times face on ,much to the amusement of us at the local watering whole

" THE HORSESHOE " in siston common,many a spilt beer wincing at the obvious pain and humiliation the horse suffered at dave's inept handling :lol::lol:


another story later of the man "saunders " to follow


as to the NHL they are on strike here now RED most of the top names are in europe playing ,do you get that at all :lol:




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;) My favorite"sport"is scaring old ladies who don`t have their deaf aids switched on when I go past them at 50 in a 30 zone.Only prob is I only get a milli second to see their faces as I draw level ,my Scania don`t have a rear view mirror! :blink: Rugby Union,sport of kings 22/11/03 the Dogs :lol:
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vermin dropper i know how you feel mate.self employed and no insurance so cost a lot of money :yp: plus the bike that spat me off wasnt mine :yp:

zzr600,nice bike.if i hadnt come off would either have that or a cbr600rr now.but my wife is bigger than me so i have a mini moto and a part share in a track only blade.

sorry,forgot this is pigeon watch !

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