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Andy Murray - Hero or Zero ?


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........and I wonder what the comments posted would have been - had he won? :hmm:


What a load of mingers you folks are. No sooner is the guy beaten than you are in about the entrails and tearing him to bits. So what if he said he'd support another country - big deal. Get a life and get over it He was representing Britain and for all the intense support you gave him in his hours of defeat - wow!


I'd like to see any of you folks up there on centre court or wherever it was played - doubt any of you would even be able to get to one of those serves.


You wonder what is wrong with this country - self appointed blame masters who cannot see further than the end of their own noses.


I think the posters who do make statements about the fact the guy is Scottish and that he didn't represent Britain is just sour grapes - who else is up for Britain?:lol:??? These statements are racist and antagonistic and are a poor representation of this site. This site supposedly stands for drawing people together under the basis of our collective sport - fine example here then!



I am Scottish - and I am offended by some of the statements made before But I will also tell you this;I am British

If Britain has a contender in a competition - then I want to see them win - I don't care if they are English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish - Britain is what counts to me.


The fact they got as far as representing BRITAIN - gets my respect - but not my armchair critique of how badly they did if they were beaten.


Stop yer whinging and grow up!


My rant over. :oops::blush::yes:


Pushkin. :good:


NB Please note I am not reporting anyone by private mail -I'm telling yer to yer face here and now!





Dear God man, people are ****** off with him because he did the typical Scottish thing and openly said he'd rather anyone win apart from England. Surely you can see why that might get peoples backs up? I seem to remember Scots supporters gathering in bars all over Scotland just to support Englands opponents in the last World Cup. I have NEVER witnessed the opposite happening. Of course we're going to laugh when he loses.


If you were honestly offended by any of the other posts then i feel sorry for you, i've re read them all and they were certainly NOT rascist as you suggested. It's so easy to play the rascist card nowadays!!


I, for one dislike him because he's a miserable little ***, the same as Lewis Hamilton, who's English, and who i dislike equally!


Now, to quote your good self 'Get a life and get over it' :lol:

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Hadrian had the right idea.....'nuff said


We as a nation(united or otheriwse) are **** at tennis...thankfully most of the country don't give a monkeys about tennis other than a couple of weeks in june/july.....its a **** sport which,like many things, we're **** at....which ever part of the union flag you belong to.


I for one don't really get riled when a sweaty doesn't support England.....just like the tennis who actually cares :good:

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I agree with the "too much too young" sentiment that Cranners expressed.


He also had some anti-English sentiments a year or two back, which I won't forget, though I have forgotten exactly what **** he was spouting. It didn't exactly endear him to me though :good:


So he can poke it :oops:




I'm with you Chard - I wont forget either!

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I agree with the "too much too young" sentiment that Cranners expressed.


He also had some anti-English sentiments a year or two back, which I won't forget, though I have forgotten exactly what **** he was spouting. It didn't exactly endear him to me though :good:


So he can poke it :blush:




I'm with you Chard - I wont forget either!



I don't like all this hostility between the various countries of the UK. I don't understand it. If Scotland was the only country left in an international sport tournament, I would support them, but that's just me. I am an MUFC fan, but if Man City are playing Chelsea, I would support them, because it's nice to see Mancs stuffing the Cockney **** :yes:


Pushkin says he would support English, Irish, Welsh in a tournament. I would suggest that he's in the minority. The hostility that I've noticed from Scots since Devolution racked up a notch, is palpable. They ignore the financial support from Westminster etc etc and want to go it alone. Good luck to them, I just wish they'd stop taking everything on offer from this side of the border and do some standing alone :oops:


It makes me laugh that Murray can spout his hatred of the English one minute, then have the audacity to question why he doesn't get their support :hmm: Christ, it's not rocket science is it? I think it's called self-alienation

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what made me laugh the most was how "henman hill" had conveniently been renamed "the murray mound"!!!!

may i suggest we offer our own suggestions for said hill if it were ourselves playing......

i would call it "mount myzeneye" or we could have "cranfeilds crag "!!!! or "pushkins pile" ha ha ha...maybe its the pain killers but its making me giggle.....


ive no interest in tennis, i also think its a gay upperclass sport...

pushkin, quite frankly you make light of the word racsism.... if your offended by the comments made then i think your being a "wee" bit sensative mate.... if the guy openly addmits he rather anyone won a tournament then the "english" he just sound like yet another winging scot who's banging on about some persicution the scots suffered at the hands of the english, which he whittnessed first hand watching braveheart.....

it never ceases to amaze me how some ethnic groups, races insist on banging on a bout thing that happened hundreds of years agao that have no real affect on them today...

its as rediculas as me, an englishman, bleeting on about the norman invasion on my saxon ancestry !!!


i personally, never pay any heed to a persons race/ancestry/background...... wat counts is weather i can count on them. are the honest, reliable, trustworthy and would they help me if i needed their help....... this is what matters in a person, nothing else....


im a scouser, and often get the "theieving scouser" treatment, which i find offensive and could be construed as racsism by your standards , but i just laugh it of as it clearly indicates to me the measure of the person suggesting it......theres a stereotyp for every one on here mate, its not personal, get over that.....


so, sorry mate, dont want to make a hoo har or fall out over it, but dont cry racsism mate.... its a poor show....

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if the guy openly addmits he rather anyone won a tournament then the "english" he just sound like yet another winging scot who's banging on about some persicution the scots suffered at the hands of the english, which he whittnessed first hand watching braveheart.....


ROFLMFAO :good::oops::blush:



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Okay guys - you asked for it - it was just a rant :oops: :unsure: :yes::hmm: :look: :yes:


And yes - I did get up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday. And yes - I know SFA about tennis other than it seems to be as LB says - a gay sport. How does he have so much knowledge :yp:


Fisherman Mike - nah - I'm noit ugly enough to be his mam. someone else??? I agree - the racist point was a bit too much over the top and as such - I apologise openly for it :P


I really am on the same track as Chard -one for all and all that nonsense - I say keep the UNITED in the United Kingdom - but agree I may be one of the few who still want that. But hey - if we don't speak up - who will fight for us?


Myzeneye - I've never heard that expression used for south of the border - up here it's always the theiving ####s.


Okay - I'll draw a line under this one if I may :lol:


Pushkin :lol:

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