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Where did our Chinese friend go?


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im not the wet pc type... far from it... but surely some of the earlier posts on this thread must be a tad offensive to any Chinese people reading them.... of course, its no different then when people say to me, a scouser, "ay ay calm down" etc etc but to be fair, i find that slightly irritating....

i know its only meant in jest, but it cant be right mods :oops:

Edited by myzeneye
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i get enough of a ribbing from some on this site with all that.

"i aint bovvererd" :oops: if you cant have a laugh and get offended at the mention of chinas human rights record, you are in the wrong shop :hmm:

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I'm afraid that I can't give the chinese a thumbs up for anything, quite the opposite in fact.

Their human rights record is truly apalling, they have invaded tibet, brutalised it's inhabitants and driven it's spiritual leader out of his rightful place. To say nothing of the fact that china is now the largest producer of Co2 in the world - ahead of the USA.

Censorship is commonplace and certain parts of the country are not far from medieval in terms of infrastructure.

I'm sure that mr and mrs joe bloggs are very nice people etc but as a nation they leave a lot to desired im afraid.

Just my opinion.

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No offence Hunter but you might want to look a little bit deeper into what life is really like in China! It's not good


Care to share your experiences ?

Havent got any Cranfield....But it's well known that China is ruled with an iron fist.



I have worked there, and I can tell you for now private gun ownership is not permitted by the masses.


However that is in the face value, in reality if you are a party official, bearing in mind you cannot be anything in china unless you are the 'party' then you can do pretty much what you like......


Army officer want a little on the side?


Then you take a companion from lower ranks whether she likes it or not....


Want to start a business?


If the party selects you then you get all the help in the world.


Medical treatment?


And it goes on and on.


I was working in one of the Northern provinces and did not touch any densely populated areas, and there was many people who had never seen westerners before.Virtually every person I met had no opinion of anything, and was totally subdue into the ideological thinking that the party was all great- Even though 90% of the country people had no shoes on their feet, the children were impoverished to the point of semi starvation and it was like being back in year dot.


Machinery? Hell no. Medical treatment? Hell no. (Maybe the odd snake testicle potion)


Want a spade or a bucket? Then you make it.


The picture should be developing now....


As you often do on overseas work you recruit locals for certain work, which was what we went to do from a nearby village. It was'nt long before a uniformed official turned up and informed the chinese engineers that all local employment was to cease immediately. People turned up a few days later on an army truck form another province as they were deemed more 'suitable' by the authorities.


When I happened to curiously question this, I was informed that the new employee's were 'Less likely to succumb to western Bourgois attitudes'


Life in china sucks big time,


and their chicken fried rice tastes nothing like it does over here either........

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This is why I am peed everytime someone starts a topic or makes a post slagging off Britain. Because they have forgotten how lucky we actually are compared to some places in the world.. Freedom of speach, freedom to go pretty much anywhere we like.. Freedom to have a family as big as we like, plenty of food, and fresh clean water.. etc etc. Think about it sometimes.

When I was out in Romania I was in an area with no running water and the toilet was outside in a wooden shed. :crazy: And that was considered normal out there. Nearest hospital was about 2-3 hours away, and ambulance are old converted cars, trucks, or vans. There was no such thing as 'air ambulance'.

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It seems that quite a few people make the common error of not liking a countries Government and politics (sometimes with some justification) and therefore blaming all the inhabitants for that.


Although China may be a repressive and terrible place, why does that mean that its OK to take the **** out of a person from that country who posts on this Forum. ?


It has nothing to do with "PC", its just manners.

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i get enough of a ribbing from some on this site with all that.

"i aint bovvererd" :good: if you cant have a laugh and get offended at the mention of chinas human rights record, you are in the wrong shop :oops:

I find that hard to believe, a gross exageration if ever, I, for one, was taught not to mock the afflicted.



















But in your case, I made an exception! :crazy::P:good: :(

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Is that a bad thing? so far China doesnt seem to be the one threatening half the world, and start wars in all sorts of remote places 'Because God told me too' (as Bush once said).

I say go for it China. They work hard, maybe they deserve it.. maybe they will make a safer super power oneday then America.


They have a long way to come, but they are certainly improving political wise and economy wise.


Let me know when you land Hunter :crazy: .


Meanwhile, back on planet earth...


America has been the most benign hegemon the world has ever seen. The prospect of the end of the American moment should terrify the free world.



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Is that a bad thing? so far China doesnt seem to be the one threatening half the world, and start wars in all sorts of remote places 'Because God told me too' (as Bush once said).

I say go for it China. They work hard, maybe they deserve it.. maybe they will make a safer super power oneday then America.


They have a long way to come, but they are certainly improving political wise and economy wise.


Let me know when you land Hunter :oops: .


Meanwhile, back on planet earth...


America has been the most benign hegemon the world has ever seen. The prospect of the end of the American moment should terrify the free world.




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Indeed, it's not as though the inhabitants of said Country have any choice in the matter or any accountability for their government.


The same however cannot be said for the inhabitants of Liverpool.


(I know, calm down, calm down :P:oops: ).


:crazy::good: :good:

cheeky southern fairy....

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Maybe China will make a safer superpower than America?


Maybe chocolate will be the best material to make fireguards out of.


What a NUMPTY :good::good::oops::P




America has got many things wrong, and there is much to criticise.


But however imperfectly it has also been a tremendous force for good throughout the world. Europeans in particular should be very grateful. Its intervention in two world wars was critical, it defended the world against the vile and murderous tyranny of communism, and it has in more recent years picked up virtually the entire defense bill for the civilised world.



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Maybe China will make a safer superpower than America?


Maybe chocolate will be the best material to make fireguards out of.


What a NUMPTY :crazy::good::good::oops:


Ah come on you know what most Americans are like, you really think they will except China as the new super power? Mean for gods sake most Americans think the USA won WW2 all alone. Look at Canada they done some cracking work in world war to I remeber a story on how the Germans broke through the British and French trench, the Canadians fought like warriers and beat the germans back.



Edited by dustyfox
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Maybe China will make a safer superpower than America?


Maybe chocolate will be the best material to make fireguards out of.


What a NUMPTY :oops::P :( ;)




America has got many things wrong, and there is much to criticise.


But however imperfectly it has also been a tremendous force for good throughout the world. Europeans in particular should be very grateful. Its intervention in two world wars was critical, it defended the world against the vile and murderous tyranny of communism, and it has in more recent years picked up virtually the entire defense bill for the civilised world.



And there ain't really any answer to that! :good::good:

It needed saying Maiden, and you just did.

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