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First magpie kill.


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I've shot my first magpie today, after weeks of trying - I was beginning to think this bird was brighter than me, as it would never stay within range for longer than a couple of seconds.Despite putting decoys down, it was difficult to get it into a position for safe shooting.

But this morning, I came down, and it was sat on top of a 25ft tree, around 30 metres from my back door.I wasnt sure about having a shot, as if I missed it, the pellet may have flew over to some houses around 100 metres away, but,I had had loads of practice at the range yesterday, and was reliably hitting pigeons heads at 45yds, so my confidence is up,but in hindsight it was rather daft, as it was perfect to shoot.

Anyway, I load the rifle, and gently open the back door, expecting the bird to see me and fly off -but today the thing just sat there.I had a perfect, side on shot, and aimed for the middle of the head, I even had time to lean against the door frame to steady myself.

Fired the first shot, and magpie keeled over, and fell onto a lower branch.It was twitching a lot, so I quickly fired off 3 more shots to make sure it was dead.Luckily I have a multi-shot, so these were fired off quickly.

Subsequent inspection of the body showed a crater just where I'd aimed at the side of its head.

Surely this would have killed it outright?

Is that right? , or do they always twitch a lot once shot?

I felt pretty sick that I'd made it suffer for 30 seconds or so until I'd put 3 more pellets into it, but I'm not so sure it would be suffering after seeing the large dent in its head.

Whats your view on this? Would it be dead fairly instantly?



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I'm not sure about this because I only shoot magpies with my shotgun but if the crater was as big as you say it was probably only its nerves that made it twitch. You did the right thing by making sure it was dead because we don't want to cause any undue suffering. Congratulations on your 1st kill.

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To be honest, I think that shot was a bl00dy disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself! :P

If you had missed or the bird moved at the last moment the pellet would almost certainly would have reached the houses 100 yards behind.

A 12 lb.ft gun in .22 can have up to 6 lb.ft left at 100 yards – the same as a point blank shot from a powerful air pistol.

What do you think would have happened if you had hit a window, car or even worse a child? 6 lb.ft would can kill a kid if it hits in the wrong place.

You ****! :P

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To be honest, I think that shot was a bl00dy disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself!  :P

If you had missed or the bird moved at the last moment the pellet would almost certainly would have reached the houses 100 yards behind.

Yes, I know.I should have waited until it was lower down, to make sure any misses did not fly off.

Fortunately it didnt miss, and the houses toward the back are rather spaced out,so it would be very unlikey to hit anything, but yes, I was wrong to shoot at it, and certainly wouldnt attempt another with no back stop for misses.



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Although you should always be sure of what's down range he had been practicing at distances further than that the day before. Being it was his first magpie (wish those were here to shoot!) cut him some slack.


Name calling is unnecessary.


In answer to the questions...if he had hit a window? :P It would have probably broke. :P:D:D

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You can practice all you like; a miss is still a high probability. Look at the top FT and HFT shots, they still miss the odd target and they have all day to line it up. Consider the elevated target, which significantly changes the POI, and also the risk of the bird moving. All in all there was not a 100% assurance that the shot would fly true.

Therefore, he endangered life and property – it’s as simple as that.

This idiot needs a rude awakening and I offer no apology for any name calling.


In answer to the questions...if he had hit a window? blink.gif It would have probably broke. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Do you think that is funny? You are as bad as he is! Ever had broken plate glass fall on you? :P

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Chill fella, the guy made a mistake.


The chances of a 12 ft lbs pellet breaking a 'plate glass' window from 100 yards is remote to say the least...and I defy anybody to say they never made one single mistake in their whole shooting career.


Lets all be friends eh?



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Chill fella, the guy made a mistake.

He has admitted it was a foolish shot to take and has had the guts to say so.

Also he has learned from it and is not likely to repeat the incident.


No harm has come from it so let's drop it.


If any regular shooter can honestly hold his hand up and say that he has never taken a shot and thought afterwards that perhaps it wasn't the safest thing to do, then do so but I for one can not.

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To be honest, I think that shot was a bl00dy disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself!  :P

If you had missed or the bird moved at the last moment the pellet would almost certainly would have reached the houses 100 yards behind.

A 12 lb.ft gun in .22 can have up to 6 lb.ft left at 100 yards – the same as a point blank shot from a powerful air pistol.

What do you think would have happened if you had hit a window, car or even worse a child? 6 lb.ft would can kill a kid if it hits in the wrong place.

You ****!  :P

You are of course correct it was iresponsable and the pellet would still had enough energy to do damage but if he was shooting up a tree at any significant angle the pelet would be no whare near the ground at 100m


I now would not partake in anything that deviated from good safety practices but as a kid I did some stupid things with guns that I can admit I am ashamed of not least geting hold of a live round and shooting it with an air rifle. Part of the exploded case stuck in my arm I still have the scar nearly 20 years later.


I was also twice a victim of others iresponsibility with air guns as a kid


Hopefully he has learnt his lesson and got away with it.



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:P  While shooting at any target without a solid backstop is deplorable he is obviously a young gun with many lessons to learn. Let us hope he has learned this one. Incedentaly apellet fired at the angle this seems to have been would be spent when it came down.

Well, yes, I knew striaght after that I shouldnt have fired, but the chance at the time seemed too good to miss,and events rather overtook me.I know I was daft, and certainly wont be doing it again.


In my original message,just so there is no further misunderstanding, I wrote "but in hindsight it was rather daft, as it was perfect to shoot." This should have read 'as it WASNT perfect'.


Anyway, from my original message, I queried about the bird twitching a lot, after being hit in the head (.177 roundhead pellet), and whether that shot would have killed it outright, or whether it would be suffering.

Do they always flap/twitch after being shot?

This one keeled over immediately, and landed on a lower branch on its side.I put 3 more pellets into it, 2 went in the belly, 1 in the wing.By the 3rd shot it was still, but I put another into it just to be certain.A chap I was talking to seemed to think they always twitch a lot when shot, and it does look as though they are alive, but in fact it is nerves making it twitch.

Is that true, and what are your experiences of shooting them?



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everyone is supposed to learn from mistakes, when i was a kid, my mate shot me in the face inch below my left eye :) straight through my cheek bone came out back of my throat :D (messing about) :D to scared to tell my parents! then another mate!!! shot a lad while he was reading the paper! :D he lost an eye!!! i am almost paranoid about safety. I am not avin a go at anyone :P just trying to prevent stuff happening to other people :P

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Oh yeah...about the twitching. In many smaller animals the brain is not only an initiator of function but also an inhibitor of random function(s). I'm sure you've heard of the expression "running around like a chicken with it's head cut off"? This is the reason why. It was definitely a killing shot.


Kinda like Scotsman and his keyboard :P:D:D:D:)


No...I've never had broken plate glass fall on me. But, a steel beam hit me in the head once whilst at work...explains a few things :P


Calm down and have a drink or have a drink and then calm down :)


Digga....I use a computer at my local public library...those bouncing boobs on your post always gets a few good looks :)

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A little tip if you got patience bait your next magpie to some where safe. I have done this a few times with them & it does work. Leave raw bits of chicken where you want to safely shoot & you know where your prey is going to be do this 3-4 days on the run. Mr magpie gets a bit relaxed by day 5 on day five take some fishing line & a tent peg. Tie your fishing line on to a large piece of chicken meat secure the other end of the line to your tent peg. This stops maggie from flying off & makes him eat his piece of meat their while he is eating let him have the good news when you are sure you have a clean shot.

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We've all done it!!!


Its good that you realised your mistake.

I used to practise with my slingshot on conkers in the tree with small pebbles and didnt relise that these pebbles were landing on the neighbours roof. I learnt a lesson and these brief encounters make you safer when you may be in more hazardous positions.



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