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I spent all of Top Gear looking carfeully at the audience trying to spot some one we know who was there.

I have sort of looked at the crowd before to see what sort of people go along, but never looked that closely.

It is fairly obvious they are 'sorted' so that any half decent looking women are shuffled down the front - anyone who watched last nights program will know what I mean :good:

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I spent all of Top Gear looking carfeully at the audience trying to spot some one we know who was there.

I have sort of looked at the crowd before to see what sort of people go along, but never looked that closely.

It is fairly obvious they are 'sorted' so that any half decent looking women are shuffled down the front - anyone who watched last nights program will know what I mean :good:


I suppose they need to do something to counterbalance the presenters - they look like tramps.



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Are you refering to the shrt Blonde with legs the size of tree trunks and a very short skirt?


The one to the left of the TV in their seating area

And before anyone says anything, mrs stuartp spotted her and pointed her out to me - I hadn't noticed :good:


The boob job ?

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I was quite surprised at how well the 4x4 did, but I can't help thinking that it was helped out. The amount of tracks on the field showed the number of times they had tested the routes and the over dubbed V8, what was that all about?

The bit tied to the back of the 4x4 also disappeared and came back again, lack of continuity !!! Mike

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I was quite surprised at how well the 4x4 did, but I can't help thinking that it was helped out. The amount of tracks on the field showed the number of times they had tested the routes and the over dubbed V8, what was that all about?

The bit tied to the back of the 4x4 also disappeared and came back again, lack of continuity !!! Mike

It did, the lad noticed that


Has their new series started on BBC?

Yes, 2 or 3 weeks ago now


It is repeated tonight I think on telly, and is on iplayer if you want to watch it at work :good:


Look out for the green top.




It has been going 5 weeks apparently, and iPlayer is broken at the moment :no:

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yes i agree that dihatsu thingy coped rather well especially with road tyres on....i was impressed too....:good:

but the v8 roar had me confused too :no: what was all that about...

there are alot of continuity errors in their shows but its like when people(like me) spell things wrong on here through miss typing or poor spelling, you still get the jist of whats going on and thats enough for me....!!! my problem with it is that it often seems very scripted and you can tell the one liners are really one liners to the power of 10. it should be live as it appears.....

anyway, its all good...

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I have no doubt in my mind that each and every word is carefully scripted. Bit like the 'Theory' on which manufacturer has a completely pretty line up, someone shouts a comment on Alfa and low and behold, James has a picture cued up.


Despite the obvious 'oh look theres a ditch but i'm reading my map and won't see it' moments, I still enoy the programme.

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