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China faking things again

Dr W

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So after some of the fireworks turned out to be faked so was the voice of the little girl singing at the opening ceremony because 'it was in the best interests of the country':blink:


From BBC


A pretty girl who won national fame after singing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was only miming.


Wearing a red dress and pigtails, Lin Miaoke charmed a worldwide audience with a rendition of “Ode to the Motherlandâ€.


But the singer was Yang Peiyi, who was not allowed to appear because she is not as "flawless" as nine-year-old Lin.


The show's musical director said Lin was used because it was in the best interests of the country.


The revelation follows news that a fireworks display used during the opening ceremony was apparently faked.

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computer generated for the cams i heard :/ :blink:




Not sure that I follow this, surely the worlds tv crews and cameras were there filming it? I didn't see it, but I'm with beretta, how so you fake a firework display? Why would China need to? They are probably the world's largest manufacturers of fireworks.

Does it matter if the girl was miming? Is that not what 99% of singers do in this country?

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.

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computer generated for the cams i heard :lol::/




Not sure that I follow this, surely the worlds tv crews and cameras were there filming it? I didn't see it, but I'm with beretta, how so you fake a firework display? Why would China need to? They are probably the world's largest manufacturers of fireworks.

Does it matter if the girl was miming? Is that not what 99% of singers do in this country?



"What they did not realise was that what they were watching was in fact computer graphics, meticulously created over a period of months and inserted into the coverage electronically at exactly the right moment"


Next question :blink: kiddin :lol:




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Milli Vanilli wasn't it? Also, I believe that Betty Boo got rumbled for doing the same thing and, of course, Britney on the MTV awards. From memory, Top of the Pops banned mimed stuff and made people sing live a while ago and a lot of other people followed suit.


If you control the media, you can easily add in CGI firewaorks. Mind you, they did it to prevent weather from making it look rubbish, so you can forgive them for part of it. The singing is a little too much though.

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


I largely agree with this. It's fake, we know it's fake, and it was good enough for The Hoff, so no big deal.




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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


I largely agree with this. It's fake, we know it's fake, and it was good enough for The Hoff, so no big deal.




It just seems part of the "China knocking" syndrome that has afflicted the media, and there was me thinking that the olympics were about sport.

OK, China has an atrocious human rights record, everybody knows it, and nobody would, or could, deny that, and they eat dogs, the fireworks were fake(allegedly) and a girl mimed, but what has any of this got to do with world class sport?

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So they faked a couple of bits, but most of it was pretty spectacular in my opinion. I doubt London 2012 will come anywhere close. I expect we'll be 'celebrating' our 'cultural diversity' with Afican bongo groups, an Indian sitar quartet, and a call to prayer from the local mosque!! Not forgetting a troop of burberry clad 'yoofs' flashing their Elizabeth Duke soveriegn rings at the indoor firework display, i, for one can't wait!!

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The Chinese have also been criticised for giving away tickets to try to fill the large stadiums for the less interesting events.


I really can't imagine there are that many people in the UK who are interested enough, or prepared to take the time off work and pay the high costs (because it will be), to fill the stadiums over here.

I hope our Organisers are taking notes.

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?:lol:?


But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :blink: :/ and I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :lol:

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?:devil:?


But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :good::) and I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :)

There are 30 million taxpayers in the UK, you are saying that we have spent £30,000,000,000 on the games and only your mate down the pub knows about it?

As for getting your money's worth, I would suggest that you go to China, complain very loudly to the first person in authority that you meet, and demand a refund.

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?:/?


But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :good::)and I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :)








:look: :yes: *** mate, Chill out :devil:


"i aint havin no fake firework display....FOOL" ...hahahahahahaha its all gone a bit "Mr T" in here now.

The botton line is that they dont give a hoot about the brit wanting to see the games, they will fill it full of visitors and we wont get a look in unless we pay a high price for a crappy seat in the back row.

There has been a murder in China whilst the games are on, and they will be forever trying to redeem themselves. When it comes to London, we will have the best handgun team in the world, all about 16 years old, sporting the best "Gats" you have ever seen. Wonder how many murders we will have? I think other countries might send B teams, rather than risk their finest getting stabbed or gunned down.

They dont give a **** about us, face it. i wont be going, and i wont be "bigging up" the games over here.

Look at what was spent on the Dome, massivley over budget, yet we all paid for that. the stadiums wont be finished in time, we wont be able to transport people around properly, everything will be hashed together last minute.

the only people to benifit from the games will be the "Lord Coe's" of the world. all out to line their own pockets, every one of em.

You want a "FAKE" games? Ladys and Gents, i give you ...................LONDON 2012.


Olympic games? My ****! :devil:

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?:lol:?


But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :good::)and I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :)








:yes::/ *** mate, Chill out :devil:


"i aint havin no fake firework display....FOOL" ...hahahahahahaha its all gone a bit "Mr T" in here now.

The botton line is that they dont give a hoot about the brit wanting to see the games, they will fill it full of visitors and we wont get a look in unless we pay a high price for a crappy seat in the back row.

There has been a murder in China whilst the games are on, and they will be forever trying to redeem themselves. When it comes to London, we will have the best handgun team in the world, all about 16 years old, sporting the best "Gats" you have ever seen. Wonder how many murders we will have? I think other countries might send B teams, rather than risk their finest getting stabbed or gunned down.

They dont give a **** about us, face it. i wont be going, and i wont be "bigging up" the games over here.

Look at what was spent on the Dome, massivley over budget, yet we all paid for that. the stadiums wont be finished in time, we wont be able to transport people around properly, everything will be hashed together last minute.

the only people to benifit from the games will be the "Lord Coe's" of the world. all out to line their own pockets, every one of em.

You want a "FAKE" games? Ladys and Gents, i give you ...................LONDON 2012.


Olympic games? My ****! :devil:

:look: Well, I'm bothered about Martin,.......in fact I'm absolutely gutted, I think that he is in the employ of the KGB.

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watch out for my spikey tip brolly :good::):)






It's been done, and you are too young to remember that.

Use the old sock and ball trick, a number 8 in a left foot, size 10, Tesco, 50% cotton, 50% rayon should do it a treat.




I here inform you of truth, not evil lie spread by Mr Bob, capitalist filth scum-pig.


Poison umbrella plot by decadent Western capitalist pig-scum to descredit glorious people's Soviet Union. Russian love peace, not war.


Now, prepare for takeover. Lenin rise again, first Georgia, you next.


Tractor production much up. Rejoice comrades. Also potato harvest good good.


Issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of Truth

OMG, please just don't tell me that you have a little friend in Russia with an illegal home made air rifle, who speaks perfect Engrish one day and ******** the next.


Credits dept; ******** joke shamelessly stolen from a post of Markio's.

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computer generated for the cams i heard :P:yes:




Not sure that I follow this, surely the worlds tv crews and cameras were there filming it? I didn't see it, but I'm with beretta, how so you fake a firework display? Why would China need to? They are probably the world's largest manufacturers of fireworks.

Does it matter if the girl was miming? Is that not what 99% of singers do in this country?


The excuse for the faked fire works display was that on the night, polluton made the visibility poor and they substituted some pre filmed stuff and I believe some CGI graphics.



As for China's performance in delivering the games: I am impressed. I hope we can do as well, but fear that we may deliver a very much less polished and decent set of resources and performances. I hope that I am proved wrong. I am put in mind of the Dome fiasco. How much did that cost us all and how cr ap was it for all the hype and nonsense?

Edited by Evilv
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