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On this day in 1964 . August 13th .


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The last hangings in Britain took place - Peter Allen at walton prison Liverpool, and John Wilby at strangeways Manchester .

Was this the start of the slow decline into the almost lawless society of today . Harnser .

straight answer no ? the death penalty never detered at all.


now as for our present state of society, blame that on liberalisation,multiculturism, and the inbreeding of scum on scum.

cheers KW

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The last hangings in Britain took place - Peter Allen at walton prison Liverpool, and John Wilby at strangeways Manchester .

Was this the start of the slow decline into the almost lawless society of today . Harnser .


The fact that these hangings took place show that there were crimes being commited that required them, so no.


Could do with bringing it back.

That way there would be more room in the prisons.


Surely the effect would be minimal as the total number hanged each year hasn't exceeded 20 since 1934.



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Dunno, in the red corner we have the likes of Sally Clark, Colin Stagg, Barry George etc etc


However, in the blue corner we have Hindley & Bradey, Sutcliffe, the Wests etc etc


Then again, Sutcliffe is supposed to be a nutter (along with most of the inhabitants of Broadmoor) and a developed society is supposed to show compassion towards those who do not have the required mens rea to establish what they are doing is wrong i.e. we shouldn't be offing dangerous mentalists even though they will never see the light of day.


Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm

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The fact that crimes took place at al is not a convincing argument against the deterrent effects of capital punishment. It is the number of crimes that is important, something that should be fairly obvious :good: . I don't think that anyone ha ever claimed it deters all murders.


When determining the deterrent effect by measuring murder rates pre and post abolition, it is important to separate those that could be deterred from those that couldn't. Certain crimes of passion, those comitted by "nutters" (tut tut, very bad Mung, off to a diversity awareness course with you), and those comitted by Russian agents are all examples of murders that will never be detered by anything, and so should be removed from the calculation.


In answer to Harnser, it was in my opinion a fairly small factor in the decline you mention. The "liberalisation and multiculturalism" mentioned by kdubya would be far more important factors to my mind.



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Instead of a quick death yeah, make them pay for what they done in a way like this. Send them in a fenced of quarry give them sledge hammers tell them to make some gravel and if they attack each other its alright as that what they deserve. I would rather make them suffer a long and painful death.

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Instead of a quick death yeah, make them pay for what they done in a way like this. Send them in a fenced of quarry give them sledge hammers tell them to make some gravel and if they attack each other its alright as that what they deserve. I would rather make them suffer a long and painful death.

Just sometimes dusty, you worry me. :good:

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Did they hang them quite quickly or was it like in America where they seem to be imprissoned for a long time before the death penalty was given ?

Spaniel ,

There was no hanging about ( forgive the pun ) the sentence was carried out with in 3 weeks of conviction and that included time for an appeal against sentence and conviction . Harnser .

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Instead of a quick death yeah, make them pay for what they done in a way like this. Send them in a fenced of quarry give them sledge hammers tell them to make some gravel and if they attack each other its alright as that what they deserve. I would rather make them suffer a long and painful death.


Why? That would bring us to same level as these people. If it were to be done, better to do it quickly and humanely

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i don't care if the death penalty is a deterrent or not.


it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper than holding certain wastes of space in prisons and psych. hospitals.


they're just a drain on resources.

:good: Kill them all, hang'em high, signed; Cutey Fluffy Bunnikins. :):):devil::devil:



mhmm. so maybe you now get the rip-taking sense of humour of the sod who hi-jacked my profile :look:

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