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Olympic Womans Beach Volleyball


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So put me right if am wrong.

But if the little women at home was to dress like one of those lovely ladies.

We would get alot more done about the house. And you lot would never go out shooting again. :hmm:


Right now were did i put that bikini. :yes:

And do i have to wear a swimming cap.






This post is blatantly sexist and not for girls, it’s a place where men can gloat about the beauty of the nubile young lovelies cavorting on our TV screen when we should be doing our chores and not an opportunity for the PW fem fetal to plot our downfall, Should you wish to post about fluffy kittens and embroidery I assure you I will do the decent thing and leave well alone, I am all for equality as long as woman understand a mans place is in charge

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O so Mr Pavman

You dont want me to PM the piccys i have just taken. :yes: of me trying them on. :hmm:

I just couldnt decide which one was the lease transparent.

xxxxsuzy ;)


I may have acted in haste Susy, plz e mail me said pics so I can reconsider my err umm position :hmm::D:D

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Womens beach volleyball is the work of SATAN!!!




No, seriously though, it's fan-flippin-tastic isnt it?


They are holding the 2012 event on Horseguards Parade, and it just happens that a chum of mine has an office in the Horseguards building, overlooking said parade ground....


I suspect I will get some funny looks on the way down on the train carrying my kids telescope though!



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