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Good day, then a bad day....

henry d

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Went out straight after my nightshift to a field of rape that was cut a week ago and the farmer was wanting it shot as he`s seeing too many "doos".......only too happy to oblige :yay:


I set up with a deep den behind me and good cover from the ash trees on a corner that sticks into the field, which is L-shaped. I had a magnet with 30 shells and full deeks with a "comma" shape with the tail to my left and the magnet near the head. It came apparent that the birds too the far left weren`t seeing the set up early enough so I moved the rotary further out.

This did the trick !! the first birds came in 5-10`s but after 1/2 hour they started to come in small numbers but most came from upwind and turned around the trees to give me a L-R shot.

The birds seemed to come from all directions sometimes and kept me on my toes. Thankfully all birds that were pricked were going away from me and landed in the trees at the opposite side of the field and I got 2 out of 4 that landed there after I finished. There were good numbers of ferals coming in too, so as the ferrets are low on food I took them too, even shot 2 with one shot.

I had seen the keeper earlier in his "Mule" doing his rounds and he came back around 1-30. He said did the farmer come and have a word? and I said he didn`t, apparently he had a release pen only 150yds away from where I was :hmm::yes:

I apologised and said I would pack up, which I didn`t want to do but what can you do ? I had thought I would be on for 150 -200 @ tea time.

Anyway I had 89 woodpigeon and 18 ferals, so I couldn`t complain, I had 3 r-l`s and a triple decker not to mention a hoodie crow too :hmm:


So I started off home and had to do an emergency stop....... :yahoo::w00t::yay:


There in the wood was a carpet of mushrooms and a lot of them were chanterelles and a few ceps as well :good:


So I picked a few and left a lot, Mmmmmm I can`t wait for brekky !!



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Good shooting Henry , the dog looks as if it enjoyed him/her self.


She sure did, especially when she got to retrieve the birds down the bank behind me.


Sounds like a great day :good:


As you got a triple can I ask what gun are you using for your doo shooting?


Remmi 11-87

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