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Distgusting hotel deserves to close

Dr W

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It also doesn't say if they gave a reason for turning him away



"He spent the night in his car after being told it was management policy not to accept military personnel"




bet they backed it up with a reason though,


problem is to set an admission policy you either have to judge each and every military personnel on your opinion which when you have staff you can't do or just set a policy and make everyone adhere to it.

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With such a policy in place, I would think that reception staff would probably avoid any complications by sticking to the basics and not giving any reasons. To do so raises debate,whic they do not want to entertain.


Either way, I think wecan both agree that the hotels real mistake, other than the policy, is failng to justify it in an official statement.

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You know, we do know all the relevant facts:


The BBC news just seconds ago said that the soldier was told on showing his ID card that 'the hotel has a policy of refusing accommodation to all military personnel.'


What more do we need to know? None of us approve of out of control drunken men cavorting in hotels and upsetting people. That is not what was happening. This is a discriminatory policy against military people in general. It's a disgrace, just the same as if they had put in place a policy that refused rooms to black people or the working class in general.

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You know, we do know all the relevant facts:


The BBC news just seconds ago said that the soldier was told on showing his ID card that 'the hotel has a policy of refusing accommodation to all military personnel.'


What more do we need to know? None of us approve of out of control drunken men cavorting in hotels and upsetting people. That is not what was happening. This is a discriminatory policy against military people in general. It's a disgrace, just the same as if they had put in place a policy that refused rooms to black people or the working class in general.



Some do a policy against working class IT'S called the price :P:good:

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A little direct action is needed, I think...


I have secured the keys to the outrage bus. It will depart for Woking on Friday at 18:00 sharp. All are welcome to join the party. Rendezvous outside the King's Head in the High Street: Please bring your own flaming torches and pitch-folks! :P

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OK so I am not an Army person so bear with me here, but could he not have gone to Pirbright or somewhere close by and got a bed for the night there, or is that not the done thing?


Army camps aren't run like hotels; you can’t just rock up and demand a Pitt for the night*. Yes there is temporary (transit) accommodation available on many, but it needs to be booked (often well) in advance. There are three ranks in the Army in which that is more difficult to do: And as a Corporal, he's in the last of them.




Senior NCO’s and Officers have a more simply ‘phone a local Mess manager and book a room’ sort of process. Pte’s & JNCO’s are at the mercy of QM’s and other Jaffa’s** to allow them a bunk. And it’s certain not ‘do-able’ on the day and especially out of hours.




* turn up pished and gob off to the Guard Commander/Orderly Sgt/Orderly Officer and you may ‘win’ yourself a bed for the night – in a Cell.




** Just another Fat Ficking Administrator .






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ive never had a problem getting transit accomodation when i needed it, at any of the 3 service establishments. lets be honest, its not difficult to ring ahead!!




My point was in relation to rocking-up unannounced, out of hours/at the weekend and hoping to find a Pit for the night. I grant you that there are several 'Training Establishments’ nearby that many be used to accommodating out-of-hours arrivals.

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Almost certainly the hotel has a policy in place due to previous incidents with raucous squaddies. Absolutely fair enough.


Here's the end of the world bit:


British people have lost almost all ability to think for themselves or exercise any discretion. The dimwit on the desk on the night in question lacked the wit to deviate from "company policy". This incident is a trivial if rather distasteful consequence of our elevation of correct procedure over desireable outcome. We each come across similar things every day of lives. It is one of the few things at which we still excel.


Ultimately, this inability to use our minds (other than in prescribed and pre-approved ways) will ultimately doom our nation to the oblivion that it so richly deserves. I for one eagerly anticipate the glorious day when this rotten and vile caricature of a country finally disappears beneath the waves of a vengeful sea, as every day that passes whilst it still exists adds yet another stain of disgrace to the once-noble name of Britannia.


There you go Stuart - better than the Mail, and gratis as well.





you will probably find that the dimwit on the desk is paid nowhere near enough to use his/her discretion and ignore company policy, possibly at the risk of being sacked on gross misconduct grounds.


you cant blame someone for following the rules as laid down to them, especially if their job may depend on it - which it could well have done.

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you wouldn't though if said looking innocent squaddie proceeded to go out having checked in all presentable and come back ****** as a rat with some mates and trash the hotel.


Sometimes its easier having a fixed policy as then there is no arguing about it otherwise you are casting a judgement on the person which is harder to get your staff to do. If they are wrong then they carry the can.

Edited by al4x
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