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staying awake


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whats the longest time you have been awake for, how did it effect you. I have been awake now for nearly 38 hours, supping red bull to keep going, got to get to Monday morning some how, might be able to get a few hours today some time ,but a 15 hour shift again tonight, been let down by staff AGAIN :blink: really getting cheesed off with employing people now. my eyes feel like lead weights and full of grit.Tried to sleep earlier but seem to have gone past the point of no return.

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60 hours around the time my missus was having our child.


I was working night shift. Had got up at 7am on the Thursday, worked from Thursday 8pm - Friday 7am... Stayed up to take her to the docs as she was overdue. Stayed up all that night cos she was in pain, etc. She got taken to the maternity ward Saturday evening and didn't have the wee yin until the Sunday.


No red bull either - Adrenaline and excitement I suppose.


Strange feeling - "Fuzzy" Head, you feel kind of drunk and your senses go to a certain extent.


These days (still on nights) I tend to be up for around 30 hours at the beginning and end of a string of shifts so as not to miss out on a day off.

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hope none of you are driving when you've been up this long..... if not only for the damage you can cause yourself, but think about others... dont think i could live with myself ploughing into a small car full of some ones wife and kids.....

not saying you will, and deffinaitly hoping you dont..... but be responsible with it guys....


not sure what the longest ive stayed awake for ,maybe 48 hours or so....but the longest ive slept for was 2 1/2 days straight !!!!


longest day at work was 20 &1/2 hours.... followed by a 19 hour following day..... hard graft too.... them kind of days take there toll on me now days though...

Edited by myzeneye
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I volunteered to take part in a research project studying the "psychological effects of sleep deprivation" whilst I was at Uni, I lasted just over 76 hours in a monitored room. :good:



By the end I was uncoordinated, incoherent and (I think) quite possibly hallucinating. I also remember quite clearly my hearing being affected, like I was listening to stuff through a tunnel.



I sure as hell will never attempt anything like that again! :yes: :blink: :birthday:

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i've had to do about 3 days before. i definately started to hallucinate a lot and became totaly intolerant of stupid things. like if someone ask me the time i would kick off because they didn't have thier own watch or something. my eyes definately felt heavy and i nearly fell asleep every time i blinked in the end. plus major tooth ache where i was bitting down and tensing my jaw constantly.

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Three days here too, all of it spent in a muddy hole in Brecon. I too had some mild hallucinations, and in retrospect the lack of coordination was quite scary. The fatigue, the vile Welsh weather, the extreme constipation induced by Army ration packs and the total pointlessness of the whole exercise made for a rather trying week.


I did read in a book about PoW experiences that it's physically very difficult (and damaging) to make it past the 9-day mark.

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Three days here too, all of it spent in a muddy hole in Brecon. I too had some mild hallucinations, and in retrospect the lack of coordination was quite scary. The fatigue, the vile Welsh weather, the extreme constipation induced by Army ration packs and the total pointlessness of the whole exercise made for a rather trying week.


I did read in a book about PoW experiences that it's physically very difficult (and damaging) to make it past the 9-day mark.


Sounds like the same course I did in the Brecons.


I also had the pleasure of doing the Joint Services Sleep awareness course back in the late 80, the one where they keep you awake to show you how incapable you quickly become and then the 2nd week is spent teaching you the best way to sleep and deal with lack of sleep :good: :good: :good:

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Three days here too, all of it spent in a muddy hole in Brecon. I too had some mild hallucinations, and in retrospect the lack of coordination was quite scary. The fatigue, the vile Welsh weather, the extreme constipation induced by Army ration packs and the total pointlessness of the whole exercise made for a rather trying week.


I did read in a book about PoW experiences that it's physically very difficult (and damaging) to make it past the 9-day mark.


Sounds like the same course I did in the Brecons.


I also had the pleasure of doing the Joint Services Sleep awareness course back in the late 80, the one where they keep you awake to show you how incapable you quickly become and then the 2nd week is spent teaching you the best way to sleep and deal with lack of sleep :good::good::good:


I had a 36 hours stint at barry budden back in 1986 on a recce course, but was younger then. seems a bit harder now iam getting on a bit.

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Did just over two days coming back from Germany in a coach once. Wiped me out and i dozed off in the GP's waiting room when I went there.


When I was at uni I had to go see the GP after over a week or so of 2 hours sleep a day (between about 2pm and 4pm daily) finishing off assignments and labs. I kept awake using Marlboro reds and coffee and needed the GP to prescribe me sleeping tablets to get my sleep pattern back to normal. Not a pleasant experience as I was really short with people and genuinely feeling really ill by the time I saw the Doc.

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