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Yorkshire Pudding

Who's going to get the first warning ?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's going to get the first warning ?

    • Aled
    • Lurcherboy
    • jimdfish
    • squintshot
    • pigeon master
    • dazza
    • cranfield
    • Yorkshire pudding

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:lol: Being someone who is about to be interviewed for HARASSMENT at work I kid you not it is not a place you want to go.I face the possibility of being sacked for a comment that spoken to the majority of females in my work place would have been laughed at this person took offence and I now have to dig myself out of a huge pile of excrement.Bullying,harassment,racism etc etc are wrong so just beware of what you say and do out there or end up like me(However as Edmund Blackadder was want to say"I have a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a fox" Will keep you up to date !!!!!! :lol:
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There is a point to it though. How can you censor all posts which may upset people. What I agree with you may not,

what I find acceptable you may not,

whenever a broad section of society is able to freely express opinions and beliefs there are bound to be conflicts of said opinions. Its called democracy. I never let my sons on this site as there are pictures of dead animals on here which in some cases have been killed for the sole pleasure of the individual.

Swear words wont give him nightmares, nor will nonsensical posts.

Dead foxes and deer can and occasionally keep him up all night. The occasional juvenile immature or rude post will be ignored. It is not until an issue is raised and becomes a mountain out of a molehill that interest is shown.

The pornographic content of your avatar could offend people on here. Do you here complaints? Because quite honestly there are a lot of people whom I drink with who would take offence and quite rightly in their eyes, but not in mine or yours


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Guest Mr Pieman

Jimd and Digga,

I don't think the issue is about free speech - as you rightly say we are all entitled to an opinion and many will be different.


However, the use of foul language and some of the spiteful threads that occur just aren't acceptable - in my opinion. Any opinion can be posted, just so long as the swearing is not added :lol: As you well know, occasionally we get posts that are totally outrageous and only put up to provoke a reaction. I don't think these are very helpful either :lol:



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I entirely agree with your sentiment and also believe that the use of swear words is unnecessary.

However the " outrageous" posts you speak of, while undoubtedly posted only to provoke a reaction are also some of the best responded to on this forum. Sensible, middle of the road non-confrontational posts are necessary in a forum to which people visit to be educated and listen to the opinions and views of others, but without radical posts which provoke healthy intercourse are surely as necessary as well. How could anyone know that their views are repulsive to others ever find out without the opportunity to discuss them? it is a dangerous practice to only ever listen to the opinions of people with the same mindset as yourself. To take a side in an arguement without knowing the reasoning behind the other persons arguement is not on.

By only posting "sensible" posts and foregoing all others is the electric equivalent of sticking your fingers in your hears and chanting" I cant hear you".


P.S i dont like the spiteful posts either

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Guest Mr Pieman


I don't object to radical, its the insults that pour out once someone challenges the thought process and mindset of the posting individual that I object to. If someone wants to be outrageous or radical they have to expect people to air an opinion. Its no good once that opinion is aired to then verbally insult the person for thinking differently, and at the moment that's what happens more often than not.


Equally, as 'sportsmen', we sohuldn't allow posts that promote illegal or improper practices. We are, after all, scrutinised by all manner of 'visitors' to our site. I don't think, as you rightly commented earlier, think Mr Blair will reform and write policy on the basis of comments made here, but I for one don't want to be tarred with thebrush that all shooters do illegal things - which visitors may think if the 'dodgy' posts are left up. Perhaps it makes me look a bit moralistic, but I want people who visit to leave thinking this is a place where friends meet, exchange ideas, argue, disagree from time to time, but keep within the spirit of what's legal.



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I can't thank you all enough.


Firstly, I want to thank my parents, whoever they are, for abandoning me at a bloody Catholic church rather than a Synagogue. You had no imagination or buisness sense so I am glad you dumped me as I do not want to be associated with you in any way, shape or form.


Secondly, YP, without you mate I could never realise that the talent I had, radio edit could be used for bad as well as good, so in part, I take this 'trophy' with your help and you know that a little bit of it is yours. Invite me for the weekend and you can touch it. But not for long.


Thirdly, and lastly, JimDfish; You are a breath of fresh air and I always look forward to your replies and postings. Keep it real man :lol:







Hold up!


I take it all back, only 20 odd people voted, you muppets thats only the icing on the cake. Come on, you can do better, and why dont you put your names down?


I would.


Try harder G F C W M H

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i cant for the life of me see how an unfortunate soul like yourself Jimd could have been abandoned as a child ,i would have thought someone loved you and taken you in, Aled maybe :D


your a breath of fresh air guys just keep it clean i guess




:) I am trying mate believe me I am trying.


But I am really up against it here as I have had my first warning, I think it was deserved but I can't remember. :lol::lol::lol:



Anyway mate. have a good Christmas and New Year TLE.





LB :o

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So ladys an gentlemen .... Here's the racing live from PW central .....


The lurcherboy is in the lead with Aled close up his flanks and chasing hard , even though he is 4 votes behind , Jimdfish is finishing quite strongly and is getting his nose quite close to aled's rear , with him being 1 vote behind , limping in behind Jimdfish is Yorkshire pudding , although showing very well in the stalls , he just can't cut it out on the track with the big boys , pm an dazza left the stalls well , but are no where to be seen as they voted for themselves :D , the other 2 in the race , the cranfield and the squint seem to have been entered into a race that is way out of there class , tune back in to get the rest from the big race live at PW !



all the best yis yp :o

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