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Won't & Can't


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Won't & Can't...


When I was a lad, I would have received a good clip round the ear 'ole for saying these words with the following statement added 'no such word as ....'. At school , the teachers would have us chant will not and can not etc.


Can you imagine my despair when I find that my daughters are being taught to say these alternative words as opposed the proper words, at school. I have complained to the Head but alas, they even have published reading that also promotes these words!


Am I becoming Victor Meldrew and all pompous or does anyone else share my feelings on this?

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Won't & Can't...


When I was a lad, I would have received a good clip round the ear 'ole for saying these words with the following statement added 'no such word as ....'. At school , the teachers would have us chant will not and can not etc.


You must be dead old!


Am I becoming Victor Meldrew



Yes, get down with the kids daddy-o !


(In a grammatically correct way).



Nial (not that old).

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You must be dead old!


:yes: I certainly hope not, I can only have 38 years of memories, or does that mean i'm senile. :hmm:





Fortunately, the school explained that they had received a number of complaints and have past this on to the schools authority. I shouldn't grumble too much, its a very good school and they have received good education to date. I guess it goes to show how things change and move on. Even the the way they teach Maths has changed like multiplication and long divsion, the tables and graghs they use for working it out uses half a page! :hmm:

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