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Salop Matt

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Well folks am sure am not the only one to enjoy fireworks so what are you upto this year ?



Me and Silver Pigeon are off tomorrow night to Himley Hall in dudley to what every year is an amazing display with the fireworks done to music and a theam............ This year being racing cars. If any of you live close enough to travell there I have to say do it because its truely amazing. Here`s the web link : http://www.dudley.gov.uk/leisure-and-cultu...all/events-2008


Anyone else going ?



Then next saturday night we have some TESCO BOGOF fireworks ( rockets and display pack) and will have them in the back garden with some gub hopefully (weather permitting) and friends :look:

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Nice man, we normally get some "good" fireworks off my dads friend. We are lucky to have a big back garden so my dads mate who owns a firework shop sets up up with the good stuff, display fireworks lol!


Our fireworks are nothing compared to his though, last year in his party half the street were outside of there houses watching the display he was putting on! Vracking bloke lol:)

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Saw a rather odd fireworks display last night. Noiseless fireworks were used. Bit like watching soft porn......loads of whiz but no bang :)



Its things like this that me me sick ! lol . cant see much point in that, hense my favorite fire works being rockets, mortors and air bomb style fireworks. :look:

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Every year we go to an organised display at a local village. Its only about £20 for the family to get in and they also have a local radio station playing there. The display is normally run to music and is very well put together, with some serious money spent on it. Certainly beats the dissapointing feeling you get from a build up of excited anticipation waiting for a box of 'Standard' fireworks to go off in ya back yard.

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I will be staying behind locked doors with the TV volume turned high trying to console one

of our dogs who is a nervous wreck at this time of year because of damned fireworks.


If I had my way they would be licenced only to organised displays to be held well away from

farms, and would put an extremely tight limit on the noise.


Bah Humbug? Too damned right, I despise the bloody things!

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There were very few around me last night. I took the dog out about 8.30 and saw about 3 and there were a few bangs in the distance. My dog doesn't even acknowledge them let alone be scared of them.


I did go to a display at the pub wher eI caly shoor on sunday it is was fantastic. It was completely free and must have gone on for 20minutes of non stop fireworks. God knows what that must have cost.

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I'm going to miss the big display in town this year as it is a mates 30th birthday meal :yes:


I wasnt going to miss out though, so I bought some fireworks from Asda and had my own display in the garden last night.


It had it all - 20 quids worth of Adsa's crappiest fireworks, my kids cheering their heads off and hot dogs afterwards.


Superb! :yes::good:



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We didn't bother this year - bah humbug.


Our son seems to have reached that age where it's not "cool" any more, so we saved our money. He didn't seem bothered about going to a display either, so we didn't :good:


In previous years, we've had about fifty quids worth of mostly rockets :birthday: . We used to aim them upwards, allowing for windspeed and direction, trying to get the dead rocket to land back where it started - amazing how good you get at that. Hours of fun for all the family :yes:


Alas no more :yes:

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