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yesterday i set uo a few decoys in a feild of stubble and sat and hid about 30 - 35 yards away, after about 10 minutes a pigeon landed, i lined my crosshairs up on his head and fired, i heard the pellet hit him and saw feathers flying everywhere but it flew off as if nothing had happened, the same happened for two more, :good::good::yes::yes::P


so why didnt my s400k kill them??? it was on about 170-180 bar, any help would be apreciated.



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I don't want to start the whole calibre debate again, but I've had this happen on feral pigeons at close range with .177.

I stick to .22 (or .25 at close range) on them now.

You could try using heavier pellets to give you more "knock down" power. As said above head shots only.

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without the hit pigeon as proof i recon its gone clean through.


if you hit the woody in the head it would have killed it .


ive hit them at 20y standing under a sitty tree just to see them open their wings before they hit the deck then glide away :good:


your gun has enough power the kill at that range ,i wouldn`t go any further than 35y though.


i get that frustration with crows ,dam things feathers are like armour .

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the neck will do if the head does not present itself.  :D


Sayng that always makes me laugh, because i went to watch my friend to shoot pigeons once (before i got my own air rifle) and when we got there there was one the in field already well him being the smart **** he is decided to take a shot at it it was only about 25 or so yards in, well i looked through the binoculars and i said "mate i cant see its head" (it was standing by the way) well he goes "ill shoot for the back of the neck" (it was facing away from us) well he shoots and it just sorta rolled over we thought "what the hell" well when we walked ova to were it was IT HAD NO HEAD.... the pellet hadnt even hit the pigeon we looked at it and thought.... wow thats wierd....., i went off and set up the spot we were shooting from we had a good day but he had a few shots that he thought missed and the pigeon flew about i dunno 20ft then just dropped, but i love the...pigeons are like armoured tanks... LOL magpies are the same very very tough feathers....

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Woodies are tough *******, especially when they have their tin helmets on :drinks: but that said, they will drop instantly if you hit them in the head, just in front of the wing from the side, in the middle of the neck from side back or behind, between the shoulder blades, under the wings into the torso. I always shoot in .177 and have never had a problem. .22 is just as effective before anyone says anything! Avoid the chest and wing as these parts of the woodie, like so many of our feathered pests are pellet proof. I swear, you cold probably laminate pigeons wings together with some clever epoxy and make a full on bullet proof vest!

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If it was a headshot it wont be going anywhere.. your best shooting for the head or the top of the back where there is a thin layer of feathers and the pellet will damage the spine and should go straight into the engine room if the angle is right :yes: same with maggies except i only shoot for the head with them because i dont like picking up a injured maggie .. sharp becks :yes:




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Sorry Ross but I disagree. How can "over-penetration" prevent a clean kill? If a pellet penetrates a vital organ, it's a dead bird. Shot placement is the key. Strictly speaking .22 creates a larger wound channel which allows a slightly greater margin of error when you don't quite hit the spot - this is probably why you have found .22 more effective.



I agree with Jim145, i've had the same problem with pigeons shooting .177, with my .22 i had more success, i put it down to the over penetration of the .177. i now sitck to my .22 for birds and my .177 for rabbits - personal preference.
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