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My trip to Canada


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What a great time I've had over the last couple of weeks. I've been staying with JCBruno in Canada, being driven around the place checking out the countryside and culture. What can I say, I miss the place already. Where else can you spot a moose hanging out of a pickup truck driving through town? People would die of shock if that happened here! For some reason they're much more clued up to the realities of life there, I admire (or even envy) their way of thinking! I took my .375H&H with me for Bear protection (what a wimp!), luckily it didn't get used for that purpose in the end.


First off we went out for a hunting trip in Hinton. There are miles of logging roads all over the place and you just drive around looking for something to shoot at. All you need to do is buy a tag, and then be clear of the vehicle to take a shot. Unfortunately no shots were taken at anything serious, the numbers are down due to the last winter being unusually hard on the wildlife. The sight seeing was very enjoyable though, and I found it hard to believe how big Canada really is. We spotted a moose there, and I shot a Squirrel :welcomeani:


I'm pretty sure this picture was taken in Hinton. I'm more sure that Neil will correct me if I'm wrong!




After the day in Hinton, we headed out to Jasper. No shooting there as it's a national park, but it was one of the most memorable days of the trip. I didn't find the town that appealing, but the surrounding countryside was stunning!






How tempting was this one.....




We spent the night in Jasper and the next morning headed out to Grande Cache for more hunting. One of Neils friends kindly let us stay in his apartment so we could spend a few days there. In the end we only needed to stay one night, as I hit a good sized Whitetail Buck and we had to get it back to Neils!




The meat damage wasn't huge, although the exit had taken out a few ribs. I took the shot at about 125 yards and he managed to do a good 25 before dropping. He was pretty pumped up as he'd spotted me before the shot was taken. The 270grn softpoint ended his day cleanly and I found my new rifle very easy to handle and shoot. I was very pleased with the result. The only drawback is that I'd walked about 400 yards from the car, and then the Deer ran deeper into the forest when I spooked him. Two poor chaps were about to realise how heavy this thing actually was :hmm:


We returned to Neils that afternoon and left the Buck in the boot over night. The temperature was perfect that night so we figured it would be fine until the morning. Next day we went about skinning and butchering it, which was quite a task. It was my first time cutting up a Deer and I have to say that for an amateur, I didn't do too badly. Neil helped and pointed me in the right direction when I looked stuck, and we ended up with some very nice (although oddly shaped) cuts.


The next day Becky made us a roast from the backstraps. It was one of the best meals I've ever had, and I need to pester her to find out how she cooked it. All I know is it had garlic in it, but it tasted great!


We spent another couple of days out hunting and spotted more Moose. We also got stalked by a Bear in Grande Cache which was pretty scary. The last thing I wanted was a fight with a Grizzly, so we went back to the apartment for the night!


The second week we went out and met up with the last engineer, he brought some fun guns for me to use (and ammo, lots of it!).


Martins .45acp



Neils Glock 17



Martins .357



Martins .44 magnum



And Martins great cannon, a Desert Eagle .50 (didn't like it much)!



We also went clay shooting with Martin and got beat badly. Something tells me he has too much time on his hands to shoot as good as he does!


All in all a great couple of weeks. I have to say a big thankyou to Neil and his family for making me welcome in their home and for driving me around for hours on end so I could get to see all the best places. I should also thank Martin for his hospitality and bullets, as he wouldn't let me give him anything for them!


Hopefully I'll be going back again soon, and Neils planning a trip here at some point too. I'm going to have to work pretty hard to make his visit here as fun as the one I've just had!

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We got back from Canada about three weeks ago.

And we were struck by the beautie of the place and size. Coming back to England was hard.

Like you we were invited over by someone off here (NTTF).And from day one was made to feel like part of their famliy.

What can you say about Canada beautiful place.Wonderful people. And the holiday myself,Ash and the boys will never forget.


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glad you liked it neil and looking forward to having you back this way and maybe you can bring your girlfriend with you next time, i had a great time aswell neil and just wait untill my fammily moves in with you for a week or two :welcomeani::hmm::D maybe next time you can come in the summer and we can do some varmint shootn :lol:

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God those pictures bring back some memorys . The buck also brings back the memory of my first white tail in north america . Canada is a very civilised country populated by loverly people .I have made friends with canadians and shall be paying them all a visit soon . Any probs with taking your gun with you ? . Harnser .

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No trouble with the gun at all. Just turn up at the airport and drop it on the baggage desk, they call security who fill out some customs forms and then send it on its way. When you get to the other end you will find it in a heap with all the other oversize baggage, and you just pick it up and leave! :rolleyes:

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good to know you made it back ok Neil, glad you had a good time, Neil looked after you well kudos buddy, as far a beating you, i was just suprised with all the hardware i brought out you two sat with neils pump gun, the only one i cant work, you guys did good, it was a pleasure taking you out, we'll do it again next time your in, i'll prctice with that pump thingy.



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Tony, that's unfortunate mate. There are however a lot of places near to home that can offer most of what I experienced in Canada. Ok we don't have moose or bears here, but deer stalking is easily possible. On a positive note there's nothing running wild over here that can eat you :stupid:


The main reason for my visit was to meet up with Neil and Martin :welcomeani:


Edit.... Forgot to add that if it wasn't for Neil, I couldn't have made it out there either!

Edited by njc110381
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Thanks mate, I'm only really, really, really jealous :welcomeani: :yp:

Maybe one day me and Mrs9r will get a passport and get to see the world... she always said that we should move to Canada when we retire ;)

Times ticking away, and I'm an old, middle-aged ***, so once the kids are older I'm sure we can start living life a bit :stupid:

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I don't mind at all. I tried not to post too many on the first page because the slower internet connections may have taken too long to load, but now we're on page 2 I guess some more can't hurt. I'm just getting over the jetlag now, it really was hard work coming home for some reason.

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