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Member of the opposition gets his collar felt and spends 9 hours inside for "conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office" by passing on information to the media.


So, you go passing on any information which is damaging to the government you can get arrested :good:


Can anyone smell gas?

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I like the way that the police say that GB and the Home Sec didn't know about it before the raid, but that Dave and Boris did. somehow that just doesn't ring true.


Does anyone else think we are sliding towards a Private Eye-esque Stalinist state with a great helmsman at the tiller?

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New labour, what else would you expect from these idiots, they create a rule for the freedom of info, and then remove any evidence of their own wrong doings, and when someone else tries to pull them up, get that person locked up quick, whilst they 'tidy up' :lol:



with the 3 day week on the way does anyone have a cortina for sale







and has anyone seen my tank top :good:

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I would like to see the police admit they were wrong and have to pay compensation.....


What about Mike Shepherd, Gun dealer? (See his website) 900 legal guns seized; months spent in prison. Trial outcome? Innocent on all counts. High Court demands all his property to be returned. Silence. That was over a year ago!


Without Prejudice.


Many are saying, that some officers, thinking that he was to be jailed for a long time, sold some of the more valuable items for personal gain. Now, if that leaked out..... probably a 'D' Notice served!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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Floating Chamber, is this not a similar scenario to which a chap in Coventry has been through recently?

I have a friend who is a dealer in Hereford, he told me about a fellow shooter who had all of his equipment confiscated; eventually when the case went to court the CPS offered no evidence with which to send him to trial. Case closed but he still hasn't received his equipment back. I understand he has had his licence revoked. This was appealed against and also scuppered. No licence, no equipment and £12,000 worth of kit sitting in a police armoury somewhere. Maybe this will sold off somewhere.

Edited by dogman
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Because we (as law abiding gun owners) are scared of having our licenses taken away in a similar way to above.


It's the same reason that we walk away from trouble instead of helping out, just in case we get our collars felt for starting it in a "their word against ours" scenario.


Mung, do we still have "innocent until proven guilty" in this country?

Edited by Wookie
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Well where else would plod's retirement fund get its money from?


So many plod take early or "advised" retirement rather than get the sack and such that our guns - and scopes/slings etc that arn't on ticket must be badly needed, be reasonable now and cough up chaps. Of course we dont force the issue - our property (spelt ticket) might be withheld for holding the police in contempt or something like that.


That non FAC property is also taken clearly shoots them in the foot no matter how they try to dress it up. If they had any decency they'd remove the guns to an RFD to dispose of for the owner pending the outcome of events. I guess SOME of them drink Horlicks before they go to bed.

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Because we (as law abiding gun owners) are scared of having our licenses taken away in a similar way to above.


It's the same reason that we walk away from trouble instead of helping out, just in case we get our collars felt for starting it in a "their word against ours" scenario.


Mung, do we still have "innocent until proven guilty" in this country?


pewww !!! that hit a nerve Wookie , [ There was a time>>>>> ] POW.

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