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Prince Harry

Fisherman Mike

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What are your thoughts on the Prince Harry Fiasco ?


Personally I think its a storm in a tea cup.


The events of the second world war are indelibly printed on the minds of the public particularly those that are old enough to remember them and any Global conflict that produces massive loss of life and inhuman persecution will be recorded in History.


But we cant dwell in the past. Harry is just a young man who lost his Mother in tragic circumstances at the age of 13. He went through a very public bereavement and is now scrutinised every minuite, every hour, every day of his life. The events of History mean nothing to him why should they?


I think we are the sick ones who keep opening these old sores. Sure what the Nazis did to the Jewish was an act of utter abomination but do we in the Civilised world have to live with that for the rest of our lives and make sure it is continually passed on to our kin?


I find the Israeli nation very slow at coming forward with the hand of reconciliation not just because of the Holocaust but also to end the conflict in Palestine. They appear to be a very unforgiving people.


Harry didnt realise the consequences of his actions why should he, as far as he was concerned he was at a Fancy Dress Party wearing the uniform of Rommels Desert Regiment. If he had gone as A Roman Soldier ( who persecuted Millions of Christians 2000 years ago ) would that have been even worse. ? should we send a delgegation to the Italian government and demand an official apology ?


Freddy Star launched his career as a comedian, dressing up as Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and Alexi Sayle, a one time youth subscriber to the British Communist party as Benito Mussolini. Any of us older members who can remember it thought it was bloody hilarious. My children learn about Adolf in Modern History, Freddy my son, drew and cut out a swastika and got top marks. I went to a fancy dress once dressed as the KKK but I am not in any way anti *****.


This event has been hyped up out of all proportion. There are some very sad people out there who need to drag themselves kicking and screaming into the 21st century and start worrying about the future not the past.


Thats my feelings on the debacle



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I think it's rather odd that anyone, other than the tabloids, should have a problem with it.


OTOH it's always nice to see an overprivileged dimwit wriggling on a spike.


I think it's time we common folk chopped a few over inflated heads off. People in power can become unruly if they don't feel acccountable for their half baked ideas :D

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OTOH it's always nice to see an overprivileged dimwit wriggling on a spike.


My view exactly. :D


The boy is obviously not very bright and out of the control of his parent.

But, as he is part of the Country's biggest tourist attraction (and well paid because of it), he should make every effort to avoid offending people.

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most people seem to forget that he's just a kid .ok he is a very well educated and very well looked after kid but still a kid non the less .then again i do take a certain pleasure in watching these kind of folks squirm :devil:

i wish the most embaressing thing i had done at his age was dress up as a nazi :*) :*) .

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Personally I think its a storm in a tea cup.



But we cant dwell in the past. Harry is just a young man who lost his Mother in tragic circumstances at the age of 13.



I find the Israeli nation very slow at coming forward with the hand of reconciliation not just because of the Holocaust but also to end the conflict in Palestine. They appear to be a very unforgiving people.


Harry didnt realise the consequences of his actions why should he, as far as he was concerned he was at a Fancy Dress Party wearing the uniform of Rommels Desert Regiment. If he had gone as A Roman Soldier ( who persecuted Millions of Christians 2000 years ago ) would that have been even worse. ? should we send a delgegation to the Italian government and demand an official apology ?


This event has been hyped up out of all proportion. There are some very sad people out there who need to drag themselves kicking and screaming into the 21st century and start worrying about the future not the past.


Thats my feelings on the debacle



Your bang on there FM couldnt agree more ,times change people move on ,the holocaust HAPPENED i dont deny , we cant change that ,what we can do though is let it go ,the more people drag it on the more tempers and emotions flare , put it to rest ,as you say "They appear to be a very unforgiving people."


As to the parent/s, he didnt choose them ,IMO as a parent ,let the kid be a kid while hes young none of us were angels ,let him make a few mistakes and learn .

look at his old man ,now there's a model of society :devil::D


to quote an Italian Brooklyn boy " leave the kid alone" (wanderers)



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I think Harry was extremely foolish, but surely he has minders and people around who should have advised him how daft he looked before he went out of the door.In mitigation it has to be said, "As a single parent child who's father may be struggling financially to cope with two growing lads eating him out of house and home he may have been forced to wear family hand me downs" Salopian. :oops:

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I think Harry should be re named HOORAY HARRY and then he could join all the other rich, bored, mollycoddled tossers that are the bane of the common man.

When did he, or any other tosspot like him have to worry about household bills, getting up early on cold wet mornings to go to a job he hates to pay the aforementioned bills, taxing his old runabout after getting a massive bill for the M.O.T. work, moaning mother in laws, whining kids, and brain dead, telly loving workmates who think any hunter is a depraved pervert for killing furry or cuddly wildlife. You notice that I left out Her indoors, the apple of my eye, the light of my life, { HOPE THE MISSUS DOESN'T FIND OUT! } but, joking apart, I have to be fair, she hates fox hunting, but she never gives me grief about my ferreting or fishing pursuits! Like most blokes of the working class breed I've slogged all my life and hunting is my release from stress for a few hours. Those Hooray Henry types are a waste of space in my opinion, never having done anything too taxing in their entire lives, I'm no left winger, but they really **** me off something chronic! When I was a gravel belly all the officers I ever met were Hooray types and I never met one I liked, it was, and still is a class thing! I think David Icke is right, maybe the 'ROYAL FAMILY' really are alien lizards from another galaxy!

Cor, I don't know where my son in law got this special herbal baccy from, but boy, is it potent! Well that's that of my chest, sorry to go on a bit but I feel better now. P/S




:/:):oops::D:lol: longnetter

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